Circus Arc - Suit and Rose - Part 1

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Samantha's heels clicked as she walked down the empty corridors in search of her husband. She checked his office only to find stacks of paper piling up, almost as tall as her. When she read what was left on his desk, she quickly ran to find him. She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't see a red head and blonde strolling around the corner that she bumped into them. 

"Whoa!I'm sorry! I didn't see you there Mrs. Spears!" The blonde said panicky. The red head, Grell, quickly got Samantha up from the floor and stood her up, cleaning off any dust off her beautiful blue dress but he enjoyed the color red more. "It's alright Ronald, I was just thinking and didn't you see guys coming." She said. "And Grell, you can stop cleaning me, I'm fine." Grell, stopped, blushed and went to step next to Ronald again. "Oh, have either of you seen William? I've been looking for him, apparently there will be souls to be checked later today." 

Both the reapers looked at each other and back at Sam. "He's at the circus." Ronald said. Sam looked at him confused. "Why would he be there?" "Thats where he believes the souls are." Grell answered. Sam nodded and walked around the pair, quickly running into her room to change and find her husband at some circus. 

"Wow what a beauty!" Ronald muttered as he watched Sam's hips sway as she walked off to her room. Suddenly he was knocked to the ground by a strong force. "Don't let William hear you say that or else!" Grell yelled, his hand red as he smacked the young reaper to the ground.


Samantha landed on soft grassy fields, a few feet from the tents where this so called circus was. She straightened her white and red dress and fixed her up in a bun with a few strands surrounding her face. Carefully trending on the soil with her heels, Sam walked behind some people, blending in while looking around her in fascination, for she was not one to go out as much. Especially not to go to the circus. 

In front of her stood two familiar people

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In front of her stood two familiar people. A tall man in a butler suit and little boy. Instantly she knew it was Sebastian and Ciel. Instead of greeting them, she quickly walked ahead of them, knowing Sebastian will recognize her, considering the two species have different scents. Sebastian instantly locked on her form, ignoring what ciel was saying. "Master, sorry to interrupt but it seems as if we have a guest." 

Sam walked through the tent, not even having to pay for tickets to get in and found a seat in the back. Lifting up her dress slightly, she walked up the stairs carefully and got seated on an empty bench. As she was seated, two familiar figures came up and sat next to her. Still looking forward, she smiled as she saw the corner of her eye that cel was looking at her with his one eye, curious. "Samantha Spears? What are you doing here?" Ciel asked her. "Don't you worry your little head about things, I'm not here to bother your mission," Ciel sighed in relief. "Actually I'm not suppose to here at all." She said as she raised her small hand to her painted dark red lips as she thought to herself. Ciel almost got off the bench, yelling. "What?! What are doing here then?" He asked, a bit confused. Sam giggled at the small boy. "I'm looking for my husband, he seems to have gone here to check on something without telling me." Her face darkens as she thought of her husband not telling her where he was going, making her worried. Ciel shuddered, feeling sorry for the male reaper for whats to come. 

Sebastian sat silently, watching the two interact until the show started. 


Samantha was giggling as she walked out with Sebastian and Ciel, who was constantly sneezing. When the show introduced Beast and her tiger, Sebastian volunteered to be in the act and instead of listening to what the ringleader was saying, he went straight to the tiger. It cause him to get his head bitten twice by the big cat as Sebastian likes to put it. 

Ciel was highly embarrassed by his butler. How he even puts up with him, he doesn't even know. 

As they were about to leave their separate ways, a man came up to Sebastian to check on his 'injuries'. Ciel and Sam waited outside when Ciel started to sneeze and cough again. "Maybe we should get you to the doctor," Sam said. "Are you allergic to anything?" Ciel was about to answer when he sneezed again. "Are you perhaps allergic to cats?" Ciel nodded as he continued to sneeze. Sam realized that maybe she too has the cat smell when she was next to Sebastian when they got out of the tent.

"I'll sit over here, since I might have that smell on me." Sam told him, as she moved from her seat on the bench next to Ciel and sat on the barrel across from him. As they sat in silence, the tent in front of them, the one where Sebastian was in, was moving side to side, indicating something was causing it to move that much. Then suddenly a dagger broke through the tent, heading straight to Ciel. The young boy closed his eye and felt nothing. He slowly opened his eye and saw the daggers point right in front of him, frozen. He looked to see the hand holding the dagger that would've killed him. Samantha's heart was beating quickly. She sensed something was wrong and the second the dagger ripped through the tent, she got up and grabbed the small dagger before it hit him. 

Ciel starred wide eyed at Samantha as she starred at the wall in front of her. She slowly got out of her crouch and looked at the dagger in her hand. Saying nothing, she walked towards the tent, leaving Ciel watching her in surprise. 

Samantha opened the tents flap and the scene before her made her bite her lip. Sebastian was on top of the wooden board that was holding the tent up with three daggers in his hand, a blonde boy was standing next to who she remembered being named Beast,the ringleader and a doctor on a wheelchair. 

"What is going on here!" Sam yelled. Everyone turned to face her, Sebastian's eyes widen as the usually soft spoken woman yelled. "A dagger broke through the tent and almost stabbed a young boy in the eye! You should be thankful that I was there!" Sebastian dropped down from his perch and stood next to Sam, silently whispering in her ear. "Is the young master alright?" He asked. Sam nodded discreetly. The tall butler sighed in relief. 

The ringleader came up to the both of them, looking surprised. "May I ask, who this lovely lady is?" He asked. Sam smiled at him, with her eyes closed and went to shake his hand but instead he kissed the top of her hand. Her lips strained but still kept smiling as this stranger let go off her hand. Apparently the man was blind for not seeing how she is a married woman. 

After he let go of her hand, Sam wiped the back of her hand on the back of her dress. Sebastian saw it but didn't say anything. "I'm MRS. Samantha Sp-Thompson." She corrected. Her and William had created human last names in case anything were to happen. "Oh." The ringleader said, slightly disappointed. The woman, Beast, was behind him, glaring directly at the back of his head. "Well, since we are to introduce ourselves, I'm joker, thats Dagger, this beautiful woman is Beast and this amazing man is Doctor!" Joker introduced the two to his crew. "We would love it if you both would like to join the circus!" He said, smiling. Sebastian and Sam looked at each other and back at Joker. "We would love to join the circus." Sam said. "Of course, our master is very spoiled and we would love an escape from his employment." Sebastian added. 

Joker looked surprise to know that they are servants, considering the clothes they are wearing is fancy. Thanking them for their hospitality, Sebastian and Samantha both left the tent, smiling as they are both closer to their suppose mission. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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