Season 1: Grell the ripper

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Samantha was checking over her papers of names, when she noticed some names were appearing. On the Not-to-die list. 'How strange' Samantha thought. She was going to tell William this, but instead he came to her. "Dear, do you know where Grell went? He has over work papers to do." Samantha shook her head. "No, but have you noticed names keep appearing on the not-to-die list?" William looked over her shoulder to see the list and realized why they are there. "Grell Sutcliffe." He muttered. Samantha looked at her husband. "Where do you think he'll be?" She asked. He looked down at her. "I think I may know." He said.


"-Not the face, NOT THE FACE! Please stop!" Grell yelled. Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive's Demon Butler, stood over Grell with his chainsaw. "No." Sebastian said, with his closed eyed smile. Sebastian was about to bring the chainsaw down on him, but before he could, a long medal spear like scythe came down and stopped Sebastian from doing anything further. "I apologize for interrupting your conversation." 

Grell, Sebastian and Ciel all looked up to the roof and see two beings standing there. "I am William T. Spears." "And I'm Samantha Spears." The woman next to him said. Will looked at her, with a small smile. "I am an administrator at the Grim Reaper Staffing Association." William used his scythe to fix his glasses. "We came to take charge of that reaper there" Samantha said. "Will! Sammie!" Grell said happily, trying to get up from the ground, his nose still bleeding. William and Samantha, carefully, jumped down from the roof. 

Samantha softly landed on the ground, while William landed on Grell's face. "Blghhh" Grell moaned. Samantha handed William the book and he went over it. "Temp Worker Grell Sutcliff, you have violated regulations. Firstly, you killed people not on the To-Die list. Secondly, you used a death scythe for which a permission was not filed. And finally, you attempted to leak information about the cause of death and identity of the murder." Will handed Sam back the book and used his foot, that's already on Grell's head, and push it down. Making Grell moan in pain again. William jumped off of Grell and bowed in front of Sebastian, making him jump back a little. Sam did the same as Will. "I am sorry for all the trouble this wretch has caused." Will went in his inside pocket of his suit jacket and grabbed his card. "Oh, here's my card." Using his death scythe, he handed Sebastian his card. Sebastian took it without saying anything. 

"Really, I never thought I see the day when I'd have to bow my head to a noxious beast like you." Sam hit Will's shoulder. "Try to act nice." She whispered. Will sighed. Knowing his wife is trying to bring peace to everyone, oh how ironic to what she is. "This is a disgrace to the profession of the grim reaper." Sebastian shrugged his shoulders with a small awkward smile. "Then please keep close watch over your staff." He said. Sebastian threw the card William gave him over his shoulder, making Sam laugh behind her hand. Sebastian saw that and gave her a small, unnoticeable smile. 

"So that they don't cause trouble for us noxious beasts." Sebastian finished. "Humans are very susceptible to temptation. When they are placed in the hellish bowels of despair, if a spider's thread appears before them that could get them out, they will cling to it without fail. Any human will." "Aren't you demons the ones who take advantage of that, to deceive humans and prey upon them?" Will asked. "I won't deny it." Sebastian smiled with his eyes closed. "Though you seem to be a tame dog with a collar; that at least makes you a lesser evil than the unprincipled, rabid dogs." 

Sam frowned as she saw Will look at Ciel when he said that. Sam walked to Ciel, making him feel nervous, thinking that she's going to hurt him, but he stood emotionless. "Ciel Phantomhive, yes?" Sam asks him. He nodded, looking at her with his contract eye and blue eye. "I'll make sure everything is going to be alright. I'll also be watching over you, in case of any trouble." Ciel looked at her shocked. 

Before she left with Will, Ciel grabbed the sleeve of her long black dress. She stopped and looked at him. "Why would you do that?" She smiled. "Why not?" Before anything else was said, she left. Leaving only him, a bloody Sebastian and Madame Red's dead body.

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