Stefan- baby

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Request:  can you do a story where Damon gets really fed up with Stefan and everything so he treats him as a complete baby but later on Stefan realize that why he's doing it and everything.

Damon's POV 

It's been 4 day since Stefan started to get on my nerves!! UGH!!!!
Since 4 days he started to scream my name whenever he's hunger, tired or something. Then he does not want to take a bath, he gets outbursts of anger, he crawls into my bed every night without warning which is actually not bad but he steals all the space. I. Have. Enough. He acts like a baby so fine !!! He can be one !!
This morning I went to a store to buy baby stuff.
Stefan is currently at school so I can set up the new bed and turn his room into a child's room.

4 hours later

Stefans POV

Pffff school.... I'm so tired.
I'm so exhausted from I can't wait to be at home. After I opened the door Damon suddenly stood in front of me.
I smile at him.
,, hey Damy." ,, hey Steffie how was day ?" he ask me
,, Oh not so good., I want to sleep. Can I sleep in your bed?" I ask him shyly.
,, no little brother, you have to sleep in your own." after he said that he picked me up and began to walk to my room.
When we arrived I couldn't believe what I saw.
The next thing I knew was how he started to undress me.
,, I'm putting you into new clothes and a diaper."

Damon's POV

After 30 mins of fighting with Stefan. I finally got him into a diaper and a cutie baby outfit.
,, Damon what's going on?" he ask me
,, nothing to worry about little brother. You said you're tired, come on I will put you to sleep." he whined and I picked him up. Not only that I made his room into a child room. I also built a baby bed.
,, Damon no i don't want to sleep in this bed!!"
,, ah-ah-ah you will sleep here."
I put him in his new bed,gave him a goodnight kiss and left. I closed the door behind me and I hear how Stefan cry's, it broken me to hear it but I have no choice.

-3 hours later-

I'm sitting on the couch reading a book, suddenly I heard someone calling me weakly.
,,Damon.." Stefan whispered, I can hear it because duh I'm a vamp.
So I got up and went upstairs. After I opened the door I see my little brother holding his arms up in the air. I smiled to myself.
,, hey Stef, did you sleep well??" I ask him while I lifted him in my arms. He's rubbing his eyes
,, mhm-not so good.. my eyes hurts Damie."
,, your eyes are hurt? Should I kiss it? So the pain goes away?" he nodded and I kissed his eyes.
,, Damon I'm hungry.." he says to me, then he lays his head on my shoulder.
,, I'll give so lunch but first we check your diaper."
,, NOO!!!!" he's screaming at me, struggling in my arms.
,, yes Stefan we have to, did you do something?"
,, No I did not!!!" ,, yeah? Let me check it."
I put my finger in his waistband to see if he did anything. Nothing. That's weird? He usually goes peeing after waking up.
,, okay, come on we get you some food."
Then we walk downstairs.
In the kitchen i lift him in my arms again only to sat him into a baby chair.
,, DAMON !! What the hell is this?" he asks me.
I didn't answer his question I just went to the fridge and got some food for him.
I want to feed him with some spaghetti but he refuse it.
,, Stefan listen to me. Either you let me feed you or you don't any food till nighttime."
He pouts but then opened his mouth.

Stefans POV

I just can't understand why Damon does this to me?
What did I do ??
I'm sitting on a kind of game carpet and watching a movie. In front of me are many small toy cars and cuddly toys.
I just don't understand.
Damon sits to my left and continues reading this book
I crawl over to him and pull on his pants. He looks down to me.
,, Damon, why do you do this to me?"  I pout
,, think about it Stefan." he tells me.
He reaches for a little table and sticks a pacifier into my mouth.
,, now go back and play with your cars." that was the last thing he said to me. Then he started to ignore me.
What did I do wron- wait?
Does he treats me like a baby because I went to bed the last 4 days? Because I screamed his name all the time? Oh it's probably because of that. I have to apologize.
So I crawl back to him.
,, Damy." I did. my best to sound very young and I put my best puppy face on.
,, I'm so sorry for acting like this the last 4 days. But I just wanted my big brother and I was so exhausted from school and anything. Do you still love me?"
He looks down to me with a smile.
,, finally. Of course I love you Stef, you're my baby brother." he lift me up and sat me on his lap.
,, can you take this off from me? I want my old stuff back."
He chuckled
,, okay you get your old stuff back. But you look soooooo cute in this !!!" After that he gives me probably a thousand of kisses.
,, Damie STOp !!!" I laugh
,, okay. So you wanted your big brother huh?"
,, yes big brother is the best..."
,, aww I just can't when you look at me this way!!" I chuckled. But then I felt something uncomfortable down there.
,, Damie could you do something for me?"
,, I think I did something in my diaper." I say to him embraced.
,, okay let's clean you up."
The we walk upstairs and Damon clean me up, he put me into normal clothes and the rest of the day we spent playing games together. The next day I got my old stuff back.

Hey guys 👋
Finally I finished this one 😮‍💨😮‍💨
It took me soo long to motivate myself but I got it and I'm happy and proud of myself because it's 3 am and I'm really tired but I was like,, nah you gonna finish this one!!"
So yeah I'm proud of myself 🥰
Anyways keep requesting and stay safe out there. 🥰🥰

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