cloud girl dead

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mordecai pov

omg cloud girl is such a perv she only wants me for my long beak. she said that it could reach the g spot but like wtf is a g spot i only know about the clitoris and the bean and the labia and the cervix and the ovaries the g spot must be slang

"hey cloud girl" mordecai said

"hey babes lets have sex :P" cloud girl said making a silly but ugly face

"no yu are very ugly" mordecais continued "you have a lot of acne which i thought wasnt possible for cluods" "please go away"

cloud girl has a seizure and dies
omg cloud girl is dead mordecai thinks. let me take her to the hospital
"we are sorry cloud girl died the only way to revive her is by hitting the gspot from the back" Mr. Nurse Doctrro said
"ok i will do it" Mordecai than proceeds to grab a sledge hammer and hits her from the back because he has no idea where the g spot is.

"omg it worked but now she is paralyzed" mr doctor nurse said.

"ok i will fix it" Mordecai next hit her from the front with the hammer and he fixed her

cloud girl opens eey

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