Fourteen |✔️

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Once we took Nari to kindergarten we made our way to work and we immediately went to our own office, I did my job until my shift ended and went home with Taehyung when we were finished. The day went by quite quickly. When we got home we got dressed, I wore a beige jumper with a white skirt when my phone rang and it was Min-Gi.

"What's up Min Min?"

"Hey, how was the trip?"

"It was great and very therapeutic."

"Did anything happen?"

"Hmm, me and Taehyung are a couple now." I smiled with my phone to my ear.

"Oh my god yessss this is what I wanted— did you have sex?"

My eyes widened. "What?! Min, no!"

"Why not~" he whined. "I bought you all those lingerie dresses and they all went to waste." I could hear his pout.

"They didn't go to waste, they helped the two of us become a couple." I reasoned.

"Did you keep them?"

"Yeah, they were pretty and comfortable so why not?" I shrugged.

"Alright...I'm glad you both had a good time with no trouble."

"Actually...there was a little trouble. We went to the beach on one of the days we were there and Taehyung went to get ice cream while I was in the hammock and a man came over. He started touching my face and grabbed my neck but I'd kicking him in his bits and it made him throw me onto the floor. Taehyung came back before he did anything else and he floored him before the man ran away."

"...Y/N I'm with your brother."

"Uh oh..."

"He's furious."

"Hopefully not at Taehyung?"

"No, at the other man. Do you have a bruise?"

"No, it was just sore for a few days but it's gone now."


"How's Taehyung treating you?" Lucas asked and I smiled.

"Like a Queen— honestly! He's so gentle with me and it makes me feel really happy and giddy like—"

"—like you're a teenager again...yeah, I understand."

I softly smiled at Lucas even though he can't see it as he finished my sentence. "Yeah...I hope the two of you find somebody you like just as much as I do with Taehyung. It's a really good feeling and I hope the two of you find it."

"Thanks little one."

"No problem. Now, I have to go and pick Nari up from kindergarten— oh! It's her birthday in two days , what should I get her?"



"Who am I kidding? You're both boys—" I rolled my eyes.

"We're men!"

"Whatever, bye~ love you both!"

"Bye little one, love you."

"Bye sis, I love you to."

I ended the call and quickly dashed out to see Taehyung at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry, I was on the call to Min and Lucas." I slipped some shoes on.

"It's fine." He kissed my cheeks and my heart warmed while banging against my ribs.

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