An Actual Chapter of the Story (happy)

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I deleted the BIG update thing and I'm not gonna try to rewrite it so this will have to do

Getting the police off our back was more complicated than ever. "It's just sun glasses. what's the big deal!" I protested. "And anyways aren't you here for the wolf." I swear people these days never stick with their ori- oh shit. "Uh I mean. What wolf?" I stuttered walking in front of fluffy trying to hide him from the two officers. I could see an animal control truck on my yard with big men preparing their equipment. This isn't going to end well for me. I quickly gestured for Fluffy to run and he did so, but not before nudging BEN up and pulling him along. Fluffy already knew to go to JJ. The officers shouted to animal control to go around the back and get them but it would already be too late. Fluffy isn't some dumb wolf.

I stood face to face with the police. They slowly inched towards me with hand cuffs. I silently surrendered and they cuffed me and stuffed me in the back of their car. One cop waited for animal control to return with Fluffy and BEN but they never did. "They are in JJ's territory. Their not coming back." I said to the officer that was in the car with me. He turned and looked at me with a puzzled look. "JJ is a notorious serial killer that lives in those woods. No one has ever come back alive. Even full armies of police officers. Only JJ and certain chosen people can survive in those woods. So don't think about looking for them. They are in the hands of JJ." I muttered but still loud enough for him to hear. A look of terror flashed on his face then he chuckled. "Your joking." I looked at him dead in the eyes. He trembled in fear. I slipped the handcuffs off my hands making sure the officer didn't notice. Surprisingly this isn't the first time I've been arrested. The officer ran out the car to talk to the other officer. I scooted to the other side of the car and picked at the door with a knife I had hidden in my shirt. Taking the locked door apart until it opened. I slipped out and crawled pass the arguing cops. People are such idiot. I broke into a run when the two officers finally spotted me. They stopped at the tip of the woods. I was running straight for JJ's cabin. I passed a few freshly killed bodies covered in blood. JJ must've been here. "I hope he didn't hurt BEN." I mumbled running fast towards the cabin. I started hearing fluffy barking. As I got closer to the cabin his barks got louder and mumbling words shouted were audible. Oh shit.


I will update more later so don't get all pissy. I'm just gonna do day long chapters for a while. Yes each chapter will be shorter but at least I will post a new one almost every day so yaaay. Bye! (This is unedited)

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