Chapter 4: taro starts glowing???

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The next day starts out unusually peaceful (although in the future, Sungchan will know it's just the calm before the storm). He wakes up later than he has in years (minus summer break when he's back at his parents' house) to the morning light streaming through the half-opened curtains, and he stretches luxuriously. When he does this he can press his hands against the headboard and push out so far that his feet dangle off of the bed and he winces at the feeling of the cold polished wood on the back of his calves.

The clock on his bedside table says it's just past 11 in the morning. Thank goodness it's Saturday or he would have missed like 3 classes by now. As it is he has already missed breakfast.

Huh. He's missed breakfast. That's... strange, it feels wrong, he hasn't missed breakfast at Hogwarts since that one time in 2nd Year when he was sick. He used to miss breakfast all the time in 1st Year, but that was before Shotaro started waking him up every morning. The older boy is adamant that Sungchan never miss a meal-

Sungchan leaps out of bed. Where is Shotaro? It's so unlike him to not wake Sungchan up. Sungchan throws open the curtain of Shotaro's four-poster bed and stares down at him.

The poor boy looks awful, curled up into a small ball at the top of his bed with all of the covers bunched up at the bottom. His face is frozen in a grimace and his hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. As Sungchan watches him anxiously for a sign of life the older boy shakes and mumbles to himself, and Sungchan breathes a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Taro-hyung, wake up," he says gently. He's almost afraid to touch the boy for fear of hurting him somehow, but Shotaro doesn't seem to hear Sungchan at all. Sungchan reaches out and shakes Shotaro's shoulder.

"Hmm?" Shotaro asks groggily, raising his head up from the pillow weakly. "W-what?"

"Taro-hyung, oh my gods, are you alright? It's almost lunchtime."

Shotaro makes a weak, aborted motion towards Sungchan before collapsing back onto the bed.

"Here, hyung, let me help you up." It takes both of them but they manage to get Shotaro into an upright position and he slumps over himself, now sitting cross-legged on the bed. "I think you're sick, Taro-hyung. We should go to the Hospital Wing, I'm sure Healer Yixing will know what's wrong."

Shotaro, still groggy, shakes his head. "No, I don't wanna. Don't wanna go to the Hospital Wing..."

Sungchan frowns. He's never seen Shotaro sick before, and while he is still extremely adorable his main priority is not how much Shotaro reminds him of a sleepy kitten like this. He needs to get Shotaro to the Hospital Wing, where hopefully the Head Healer will have something for him.

Shotaro yawns and rubs his eye with one hand and wow, he really does look like a sleepy kitten, or maybe one of those cute sea otters that Sungchan had had a picture book of as a small child. He can't help himself from reaching out and combing Shotaro's hair away from his face, still damp with sweat. As he pets Shotaro's hair into place, the older boy hums happily. His eyes close and turn up into his signature eye smile.

Outside of their room, the dorm gets louder, footsteps and conversations filtering through the door. Sungchan checks the clock again and blinks in surprise to find that almost an hour has passed.

Shotaro still looks out of it, and his forehead feels abnormally warm. "Hyung, we really do need to get you to the Hospital Wing. I'll come with you."

"It's almost lunchtime, Sungchannie. Can't we go after lunch? I'll feel better after eating anyway." Shotaro looks up at Sungchan with big puppy eyes and he can literally feel something in his chest melting. A nagging voice tells Sungchan to get Shotaro to the Hospital Wing as quickly as possible, that Shotaro's never been this sick before that he can remember, but he pushes it away.

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