Chapter 2

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That vegan teachers POV

when I woke up it was around 10:30 AM I stood up, my pillow had drool all over it then I walked into the bathroom and took a massive poop all over the floor because I couldn't hold in the McDonald's from yesterday

After that I wiped my poopy stinky little butt and then I showered and after I changed I took my toothbrush and started scrubbing the poop with the toothbrush and then I threw the toothbrush away (what did you think I was gonna make her brush her teeth with it??? I should have)

I then opened one of the draws of the vanity and pulled out a new thooth brush and opened the package but before I could start brushing my teeth I heard a car honking its horn

I ran downstairs and then opened the door to see Nick's car "Hey I think you forgot your glasses in my car yesterday" he said holding the glasses out of the window I ran up to the car and grabbed the glasses "thank you! Can I have your number" I said egregiously "uhhh...sure!" He said as he put his number into my phone I then thanked him again before he drove away

After that I rushed inside and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth oh my god...he probably thinks I'm a freak because my breath smelled bad....I thought to myself while brushing my teeth angrily

When I finished brushing my teeth I went to film the tiktok about Carrie and posted it after that I thought of something to do...but then I remembered I just got Nick's number!

I pulled out my phone and messaged him

Hey nickie poo UwU!!!

I then put my phone away and waited for him to respond after I set my phone down I started to watch a movie called "Charlotte's web" and when I finished it I was disgusted all threw out the movie they were talking about killing animals

It was outrageous!!! I then picked up my phone still no message back....ANYWAY I started filming a tiktok about the movie then posted it

After all that screaming I was tired and it was around 9:00 PM so I went upstairs and went to bed...still waiting for nick to message me back

That vegan teacher x nickocado avacado Where stories live. Discover now