Chapter 5 - Bringing them "home"?

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The bell rang in the top floor, alerting Techno and Wilbur to raise the elevator.

They both ran over and hit the button, and the sound of creaking came as the elevator raised. Will was grinning. "I think he has the kid with him! The one he saw! Or just a lot of loot. But Tech!" Techno turned and grunted. "Oh don't be that way Technoblade. We haven't had new people in ages! And kids!" Techno gave a small smile. The idea of having younger kids around made him happy, as did seeing his brother so excited.

The loud creaks stopped and the door swung open. Techno and Will both looked at the three figures. One was easily recognized as Phil. Then, there were two kids. One blond, the other a brunette. They both looked up at the two tall boys with wide eyes.

Their strong bond was obvious. The way the brunette is slightly behind the blond, and the looks they shared and the closeness between them, the blond in a protective stance in front of the other. Phil smiled and stepped out. "Boys," he gestured to the young kids. "This is Tommy and Tubbo." At each of their names the boys perked up. Phil crouched a bit in front of the timid boys. "Kiddos, these are my sons. Wilbur, and Techno."

Tommy's face immediately turns to a laughing one. He tried to contain it, and it shocked the two older boys. "T- Techno! Thats a dumb fucking name." Techno let out sputters of protest as his face turned pink. Wilbur, Phil, and Tubbo all started laughing as well, and the tension broke.

Phil led them to their living room, and they all sat down. Will sat on the ground with his back against the couch seat, while techno took an armchair. Tommy and Tubbo sat on a couch, and Phil sat in an armchair in front of them.

"So. You know our names, but we know nothing about each other. I'll start over a bit." Phil smiled happily. "As you all know, I'm Phil. These are my sons. We have lived here the entire apocalypse, and we are thriving." Tommy raised a hesitant hand. "Yes Tommy?" Phil said. "Are they adopted? Cause they don't look like you." He pointed at Wil. "Brown hair." He pointed at Techno. "Pink hair." And lastly at Phil. "Blond. It doesn't add up."

Wil and Techno looked at each other. Phil sighed. "Me and my wife adopted them when they were 8. But they are my real kids, and I love them very much." Those last words were aimed in the direction of the sons.

Wil smiled. "I'll go." He cleared his throat dramatically. "I am Wilbur Soot Minecraft. Best musician in the new world, twin to my favorite pink haired wonder, and head of happiness here in our little oasis." He then whispered loudly. "I'm also in charge of the machines, like the generator and elevator."

The younger two giggled while Phil smiled and Techno scoffed. "I'm Technoblade. I fence, as does Wilbur. The hair is pink because blah, blah, blah, genetic condition. I'm the farmer here." He gave a small smile at the end. Tommy's eyes lit up. "You know how to fence!" He asked. Techno nodded and grinned at his excitement. "That's sooo cool!"

"I'm Theseus Innit! Aka, Tommy, aka, biggest man. Tubbo is my best friend, basically my brother now. We lived in that grocery store off K street." He grinned, pleased with the introduction as Wilbur snorted in the corner.

They all looked at Tubbo who shrank under their gaze. "I'm Tubbo, my real name's Toby Underscore. Uhh, I like bees, but the bees don't like tommy because he's loud and pokes them and chases them around." He giggled a little as Tommy crossed his arms and scoffed. "Tommy has been my best friend and brother from another mother for years."

With introductions out of the way, Wilbur Offered to show the kids around. The tour was fun, with Will's snarky commentary breaking any and all tension. He showed them the rooms and they opted to room together, at least for now. They grabbed blankets and moved two mattresses in, laying them side by side so it was basically one big bed. Wilbur said they could decorate later as they collected items or made things. There was a loud ring, announcing dinner.

The new boys were amazed by the food, and the general warmth of the building. It was early spring when the apocalypse started, so it was around mid fall and was getting cold.

They were even more amazed by the running, hot water. Back at the store they filled a plastic pool with cold water and used that, but this was incredible. Soon, Tommy and Tubbo got tired and said good night to their new companions. 

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