1. The First Day with Four Handsome Boys and a Girl with Stars in Her Hair

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Here's a key for anyone who needs it:

(y/n) - First name(l/n) - Last name(h/l) - Hair length(h/c) - Hair color(e/c) - Eye color

3rd POV

(Let's get the show going, shall we?)

It was the morning of that fateful day. Classes hadn't even started yet at Kamiyama High, so the students in Class 1-A are chatting and cracking jokes with each other. They wanted to spend as much time as possible catching up with their friends before the day starts.

"Class! We have a new transfer student here to join us," a teacher announced for the class to hear, "So please settle down."

The conversations that each student died down until it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop. Once the talking stopped, the teacher opened the door to let the transfer student know it was okay to come in. The student had (h/l), (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and wore the standard school uniform for female students, which was the dark blue blazer with a bright red bow. Her hair swayed against the air as she stood in front of the classroom.

"Transfer student, please tell us a bit about yourself," the teacher spoke.

"Hello! My name is (y/n) (l/n). I love watching anime, reading manga, and playing video games. Well, I like reading in general, but mostly manga. My favorite food is (favorite food) and my least favorite is (least favorite food). Starting today, I will be in your class. I hope we get along!" the transfer student bowed down before lifting her head and smiled. Everyone in the class was in awe at how someone managed to transfer in the middle of the school year.

"Miss (l/n), there's a seat next to Miss Shiraishi," the teacher showed her the empty seat next to a girl with long black hair with blue tips and on them and orange eyes. The (h/c)-haired student took the seat and sat down.

"Hey!" the girl named Shiraishi greeted and smiled, "I'm An Shiraishi! You can call me An."

"Hello," (y/n) returned the smile.

"Now, let's begin class," the teacher said as he proceeded to start the lesson.

2nd POV

Classes seemed to have stalled for a very long time. You wished that the bell would ring already so that you could take a break. As if it was fate, the bell did in fact ring, signaling that classes are over for the time being. You got out of your seat and stretched before letting out a huge sigh.

"Hey (y/n), got a second?" An asked as she went over to your desk.

"Sure, what's up?" you tilted your head, curious about what the ombré-haired girl wanted from you.

"I'm meeting up with some friends of mine from a different class, and I want you to meet them. Wanna come?"

Since this is your first day, you thought that it wouldn't hurt to try to meet as many people as possible.


"Great!" An grinned widely and the two of you went outside the hall.

On the way, you started to wonder what An's friends are like. From her looks, they could be girls just as pretty as she is. That or they could be cute girls. So when the both of you arrived at your destination, 1-C, you looked around to see if you could find who could be her friends. The only people you found in the room are two (quite handsome) boys talking to each other. One of them has orange hair with a yellow streak in the middle, olive-green eyes, and piercings. The other has two separate shades of blue split in half with one being light and the other dark and gray eyes with a mole near the left eye.

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