IX: Wolfhook and Dandelion

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"No it's just that... even though he was rendered unconscious by such heavy weights, he seems perfectly fine and needs only few healing to cover minor injuries."

"Wow, that... certainly is strange. Especially since it's Bennett we're talking about." Said Jean.

Razor's eyes met Bennett's, who was now sitting up on the bench. He offered him a small smile which only caused the other to blush again and break eye contact.

"Well, as long as he's in good shape, that doesn't matter." Concluded Jean. She walked towards the boys.
"Razor, please take care of Bennett, and don't ever leave his side. He seems much better off with you beside him." She smiled and placed her hand over Razor's shoulder.

"And you, Bennett, take care of yourself and don't run away from help. You've got yourself a fine partner right here." She giggled lightly and placed her free hand over Bennett's shoulder as well.

"Well then, now that that's settled, how about you two go on an adventure after Barbara's healed Bennett?" She said, patting them both roughly on the shoulder. They both staggered and wobbled with the impact, but smiled and nodded in response.

- ◇ -

After Barbara's healing, Bennett was good to go, and him and Razor walked out of the cathedral together.

The two walked in awkward silence for a minute or two, not knowing exactly why they were feeling so.. embarrassed with one another.

"Ra-" "Ben-"
They both started, cutting each other off.

This was followed by awkward giggles from Bennett and a small, almost invisible blush from Razor.

"Hehe, you can go first." Smiled the red-faced adventurer.

The wolf boy nodded and hesitated for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling something out.

He took Bennett's hand and opened it palm facing upwards, then placed a spiky object in it.
Bennett looked down at the wolfhook in his hand.

"Present for Bennett... I want Bennett to know... I care." Razor said, looking at Bennett with his gleaming red eyes.

"A present... for me..?" Bennett said in disbelief, eyes watering.

"Bennett don't like??" Panicked Razor.

"Nonono! That's not it at all! I'm just... surprised is all. I've never received a present from a friend..." He sniffed, wiping his eyes in his gloved hands.

Razor sighed in relief.

"Oh! Uh..." Bennett started rummaging in his pockets and backpack until he pulled something out. "Here!... ah... it's all ruined now... most of the fluffy seeds are gone..." Pouted the blonde, looking at something in his hand.

"What is it?" Asked Razor, peering over his hand to try to get a better look.

"Oh, uh... it... should to be a dandelion seed but... how am I supposed to gift this to you now..?"

Razor snatched the fragile seed from the other's hand and examined it.
He smiled.

"Precious. Like Bennett."

"W-wha..?!" Bennett's face flushed red as the boy in front of him looked at him in a way no one else ever had.
Razor was trustworthy; he truly cared for Bennett and wasn't just pretending to do so like the rest of his old friends and adventurers.

The two boys stayed like that for a long time. Stood beside the statue of Barbatos, the setting sun providing an orange hue to their faces, each holding their small present from one another which meant the world to them.
A wolfhook and a dandelion.
They were special gifts which would be cherished and would remind them of each other.

"They really compliment each other, don't you think?" Said Bennett sheepishly, trying to break the awkward silence. "..our presents?"

Razor nodded.
"Thank you, Bennett."

"Huh..? No, I should be the one thanking you." Said Bennett, a dash of confidence seemingly overcoming him. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have anyone to care for me and keep me company. Really Razor... you're a token of good luck. I'm so lucky to have you!"

Razor's eyes sparkled and he beamed. It was the biggest smile he'd ever mustered. "Razor is... very lucky to have Bennett."

"Y-you... really mean that?"

The grey-haired boy nodded.
Then he looked down, shuffling his foot on the ground.
"Can we... do what did before..?" He asked, still not looking at the other.

"What we did before..? Oh, you mean hug?" Asked the blushing Bennett.

Razor shrugged and made eye contact. He then wrapped his arms around the other's waist and pulled him against him, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Bennett hesitated at first, dying of embarrassment, but soon complied. He wrapped his arms around the wolf boy and hugged him back, to which the other responded by squeezing him tightly.

It was rather hard to breathe and Bennett was afraid of passers-by seeing them hug, but he ignored those feelings and concentrated on Razor, and the feelings Razor brought alive inside him.

"Thank you." He whispered, burying his face into the other's fluffy, grey hair.

He truly was lucky to have such a person in his life.

-- ◇ ◇ ◇ --

Hi again, travellers!

Thank you so much for reading till the end. Yes, the end. This will do it for Good Luck, Bennett. However, I've already started working on a sequel, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

The sequel will take place during the Midsummer Island Adventure event, and will focus more on their feelings for each other.

Well, that's all from me so...
Hope to see you soon in the next book!
May the Seven guide you, travellers.

(Update: The sequel is out, Check out my profile!)

- Mori :)

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