VI: An Outcast Away From Home

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After that day's visit to Wolfvendom, the boys had collected a fair amount of wolfhooks which had been fit into Bennett's backpack and Razor's pockets. They would be kept just in case Bennett needed medical attention, and without thinking much of it at the time, the two ended up spending a whole week together in the wild.

Perhaps it was the connection they had felt towards one another which was the primary building block for it all, but the two had stuck with each other, and the days seemed to fly by. They had kept the clearing with their campsite as their resting place, and spent the days exploring and hunting; things which they both enjoyed doing, especially together.

During that week, Bennett had had little to no incidents related to his bad luck, and whenever he did get a small injury, it would heal up in no time, even before a crushed wolfhook could be applied onto it.

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It was the morning of the eight day, and Bennett had spent the night contemplating about going back to Mondstat and maybe even inviting Razor to accompany him. Even if he was enjoying his company and didn't want to leave him alone, especially during the situation with Wolfvendom, Bennett too had a homeplace to go to.

The adventurer was holding a half-eaten sunstettia in his hand as he sat on a log at their campsite and brainstormed.

"Is Bennett okay?" Asked Razor who had come from behind the other and startled him, causing him to drop the fruit on the ground.

"Ah!.. awwh my Sunsettia..." whined Bennett, gazing down at the bitten fruit on the grass below him.

Razor sat beside him and pouted. "I am sorry..."

He had improved in his vocabulary since Bennett had been teaching him how to speak appropriately often.

The blonde boy shook his head. "s'alright. I wasn't going to finish it anyway." He scratched his head, thinking of a way to tell Razor what he planned to do.

"Uh, Razor... I've been thinking... We've been out here together for at least a week by now, and... I guess I think it's about time for me to go back to Mondstat, you know..?" He said, struggling to find the right words. "I'd love if you came along! W-well not that I'm forcing you or anything, but..." He peered over at Razor.

The wolfboy looked glum and had glassy eyes. Bennett immediately felt bad, but he could not retract what he'd said, for it was a fact that could not be changed. He needed to go back to his home.

"Ra- I... would like to accompany Bennett... but... Mondstat loud and scary." He said slowly. "But... I go anyway. With Bennett. I try my best."

Bennett felt like an arrow had just pierced his heart and he could cry at any moment, so he nodded and said nothing in fear that he would start weeping.

The two stood up and started clearing up their campsite before heading off to Mondstat.

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The walk there was quiet, and as soon as they got to the bridge, Razor stopped walking.
The loud chatter and music from the festival going on beyond the gates frightened him. He hadn't been to Mondstat in years now, and the last time he was there it hadn't been so deafening.

Bennett sighed as he watched his frightened friend stare at the sight in front of him and pull his hood down over his ears.

Without giving it a second thought, he went over to him and took his hands, pulling them off his hood. Razor seemed surprised, and Bennett was actually surprised with himself as well. They held hands and Bennett forced himself to look the boy before him in the eyes.

"Razor, I know you're scared. I won't make you come with me. So... let's say goodbye for now, okay? I promise you I'll be back in no time."

Razor looked taken aback, but another glance at the community beyond the gates brought him back to reality. He had no choice but to comply, so he nodded.

Bennett offered a smile, and the courage he had previously managed to build up went sprawling back down when he remembered that he was holding Razor's hands. He quickly let go, face flushed red. Thankfully, Razor didn't seem to notice this.

The young adventurer stepped away. "Well, I'll be going now. I've been bothersome enough for you." He said with a small giggle.

"Bennett-!" Razor quickly grabbed Bennett's wrist before he could leave, but let go almost instantly, looking down. Bennett looked shocked and his face was red, which worried Razor. He guessed that the boy disliked it when Razor touched him so suddenly, so he decided he would refrain from doing that.

The wolfboy found it hard to read people's emotions. He was doing his best to learn human language, and to act in a civil way which wouldn't annoy people. It was tough, but his tutor Lisa had helped him through his first step. Now, it was up to him to understand his own feelings and associate them with those of other humans.

"Goodbye..." He muttered.

He wouldn't let Bennett go, however. Razor felt that the boy needed protection, and that if he allowed him to leave his side for too long, bad things would happen to him.

Bennett nodded and forced a smile, "See you!"

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Good Luck, Bennett (Rannett)Where stories live. Discover now