Us ~ Sequel to 'He Found Us' Luke Brooks Fan Fiction

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Hey guys! So I had a lot better of a reaction from 'He Found Us' than I expected! So much that I thought it might be fun to do a sequel. So if you're reading this now and you haven't read 'He Found Us', I suggest you do so this make a little more sense. This is just a small prologue to gain suspense and keep you all wondering ;) <3 enjoy.

"I just, I don't think it's going to work anymore" I cried out. Our intertwining fingers were no longer and Luke's face filled with a look of guilt.

"Was it something I did?" He choked.

I shook my head and looked down, not able to look at his sadden face. "Look at me" he pleaded.

I looked up at his brown eyes, "I've just lost feelings" I managed to say. His face lightened and his brown completion was a cold white.

"You just lost feelings? After 2 years you just lost feelings." He said. He stood up and left for my door, "the sad thing is, I love you, but you never loved me back" and with that, the love of my life left my room, leaving me to drown in my own sorrows.

~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~

"Zyah," my dad called from outside of my bedroom door.

"Come in"

"Zyah, I need to talk to you" he said. I looked up and him and gestured for him to sit on my bed. He did so and turned to me.

"Zyah, you, um, you need to break up with Luke"

"WHAT!?" I screeched. I couldn't believe what was happening, was he being serious.

"Zyah, you need to get your life under control, a boyfriend is a distraction that you don't need right now." He said, a little more firm than before.

"Dad, I'm 18, you can tell me what I can and can't do" I argued.

"Zy-" I cut him off and continued, "I love Luke." I cried.

"I know, that's why I'm doing this, I know how much you guys love each other, I also know that love will be reunited if ever separated, focus on your studies" he then left the room whilst I processed what I was just told.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end if flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Us ~ Sequel to 'He Found Us' Luke Brooks Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now