School with AMON

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After yesterday's disaster, I was woundering if today was going to be any better and could I even tell yuki that my angel wasn't a angel at all how would he react and xan demons see angels If he can he didn't take any notice yesterday.
I roll over and check my phone 6 in the morning I had half an hour beifre I needed to be up. I look above me and there he is.
"Good morning amon"
" ahhh your awake so what are we doing today. Are we going to blow stuff up trip a little kid" he was rubbing his hands together with a smug smirks on his face.
" No that's not what I do. I work study and hang out with yuki with the occasional hot talk about girls. Like you would know" I roll over all cranky I was still pissed at him for what he did last night.
"Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed..... now get up"
He walked up to the left side of my bed grabbed my phone and pushed me out.
" come on man I didn't need to be up for another half hour what do want"
I wipe my eyes of sleep and stumble to my wardrobe still drowsy with sleep.
"I'm hungry" amon pouts
"Fine" I shake my head and look for my school clothes. I find my tie shit and blazer but no pants.
"Hey amon if you want breakfast do me a soil find me MY PANTS. " 
" as you wish your royal pain." He said sarcasticly
I put on my school clothes minus the pants I walk over to my mirror. It slightly blinding me with the reflection of the sun through the window. The morning sunlight had come to say hello. I was just about to fix my Tie when a pair of pants land in my head.
"Here I found them your mother had put them on the wash now can you cook me breakfast please. "
" I didn't think you guys ate human food"
"Well demmons are a little different okay, we are normally the sin of a human or a humans broken soul so we can still feed on human food"
"Now make" amon have me a sharp glare I knew I had to do as I was told I put my hands up in surrender. I put my pants on and walked over to the kitchen being extremely quiet as to not awake my mother and farther.
Amon flowed closely behind me eager  to get his breakfast. Nut if I was being completely honest I was also getting hungry. I open the pantry and find the breakfast rice with eggs. I turn of my rice cooker and look over to amon. He was sitting on the couch infron of the tv staring at a black screen.
"Amon you okay with rice and eggs this morning"?
I ask
He turns his head , his hair flipping with it and his dark horns shinning in the early morning light.
"It will do fine just hurry up I hate the precences of angels I can feel them" he shivers in disgust. I contujie cooking the rice and frying the eggs I like mine scrambled if amon didn't too bad this is how it was. He was kine he can't control me like a pet so I had to put in some boundaries.
"Amon before we go to school today i just have to know. Can you see other angels or since your demon is it more of a light thing" ?
" I can see them I am apart of thier world. But unlike them I can not come and go as I please. You see they those little bitches can go back to heaven. When they are not needed they go back up and party have some relax and get friendly with God. They can go anywhere they like even bist thier mates around the world.  So yeah I can see em " he growled
"Okay..... sorry if I hit a nerve. "
I finish breakfast and lay a plate out for amon while I eat mine and pack my lunch I watch him as he stares out the window. He seems so lost. But all I can think if is how school will go with a trouble maker like himself. And if this whole demon as a gaudain will work.
"Thanks for the food" amon places down his plate and gets ready to leave with me.
" Your nit going to put the plate away my mother will yell at me when I get home" I growl
"No it's not my problem unlike you"
I roll my eyes and quickly place the plate in the sink and pick up my bag on my way out.
" I may as well go for a run before school as I up this early" I look over to amon with a smile. He smiles back
I run into the sunrise towards school. Running so fast my hair flows in the wind. I look behind and see amon flying not far behind me he seems to be enjoying himself. I keep running until I reach the gates of school. Thankfully they are open and I have a key to the science rooms. Being science captain has its perks.
:so yoy feel like some experiments" I smile to amon and he nods. I quickly grab out my phone and text yuki
'Science room 23 come quickly I got my angel but he is a little different....'
Hopefully he will read that message soon.
Moments later I hear a ding from my phone it was yuki
' I don't know what your up to but I'm on my way lilly will meet me there'
I text back with a smiley and contujne you on my experiments. I was trying to create small explosions.
"Hey amon want to see something cool" ? I ask and turn to him rifling through the cupboards
"If it doesn't blow something up I don't want it"
"Well your in luck cause this my friend is a verry explosive compound. It's made up of Azidoazide azide and some other less important metric and liquid chemicals. "
"Nice now let's blow up this lab " ge exclaims in excitement. While I shake my head and add the chemicals into the beaker. I was about to add the last compound beifre yuki blasts through the door
"Yoyr not trying to make fire works again are you ?" I smile he knows exactly what I was doing.
"You know me I need to do this"
I put one drop of the last chemical hoping for a small combustion but I stead it was a little bigger than planned. Let's just say it dyed my hair with ash and made it stand on end.
"Haha nice you planned that right"
" No amon I did not because now I am most likely to get detention for the state if my hair" I sigh
" yoy most definitely are your angel didn't sense this yoy got one right please tell me he isn't you unlce Garry he was nuts" yuki said looking concerned
"But see my angel isn't really...... an angel he..... he is a demon I have a gaurdain demon his name is amon. "
Yuki steps back in disbelief but before he could fall he was teleporting to a seat by lilly.
" you can't be serious kuroo right whu would God send you a demon you are a boy if science and you haven't even lost your virginity yet so you are a man of God. You pray everyday right " ? His voice was shakey
"Of course I do but I think this is more of a punishment for amon God must think I can help but how?"

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