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Brown locks, a tender smile and thin lips were the ones that ended up sweetening her appearance. The tickets Park Jimin invested to buy that handsome omega had been worth it.

Where purity and innocence were everything Jeon Jungkook was a treasure. being bought by his alpha destined mark the beginning of that life with a purpose, to form a pack.

Fate and the Moon knew it, they would be the ones who would show the couple true love.

"You are my destined alpha, even so you put a price on me" the tears welled up from those wounded eyes soaking his crimson cheeks, his own alpha had bought him, and not to take him with him and love him as he should be.

"Do you think I don't know?" his disbelief surfaced "You are very wrong omega" and Jungkook knew, he was wrong.

He just wanted to be loved by his destined alpha. " Will you ever love him? "

Read below to understand the story. If you don't read it, you won't understand the story, no matter how much you've read omegaverse before.

Welcome, I will be explaining history data to take into account to be able to read it without problems



We refer to those wolf shapeshifters of the lowest link in the hierarchies (Alpha, Beta and Omega), in this story I will follow the same concept of omegaverse already known, there are several details of my imagination that I will add to give more sense to the theme of this story, understand:

1. Jealousy: the jealousy of the omegas will last 5 days (the duration in some cases is determined by each writer in his / her book, as in this case I will give it a duration of 5 days)

2. clothing: as you have been able to read in this story, you can see a conservative society with the values ​​of mating between alphas and omegas, so omegas wear loose clothing and not at all revealing as a symbol of purity: a- The omegas they wear tunics: tunics are NOT dresses, they are wide and long garments, with sleeves, that cover from the neck to the legs. It is typical of ancient garments.

(The term "veil" is the closest thing to what I want to refer to) the veils used by omegas do NOT cover their entire head, they are pieces of silk cloth held by an ultra-fine armor of gold wires in charge of covering the eyes up to the chin of the omegas hiding their features. the small armor is fastened behind the ears. In what cases do they use them?

* Virgin omegas use them as a symbol of purity

* Paired omegas use them as a symbol of fidelity to their alpha by hiding their features from other alphas

* The omegas that do not use them are those who are widowed, separated or over 40 years of age age In the case of prostitutes, they do not wear veils since they are considered impure.

C-the paired omegas:

They must fulfill all the household tasks without exception .

The omegas that being healthy and able hire assistants are considered as lazy before society. So they fulfill the tasks of cooking, cleaning, ordering and managing the home they are allowed to have a support beta ( who is the only one who can help you in case you need it )

Beta support: Beta hierarchy shifter hired by the omega's alpha to help the latter in case they need it.

3 . Protective collar: virgin or single omegas have the obligation to use a leather collar lined with silk that protects the part of the middle of the neck that remains exposed by the tunic, this protects them from an accidental bite from an alpha in addition to their symbol representative of conservation of purity.


Being at the top of the hierarchy, they have privileges such as: having electronic devices and advances in this technological category (telephones, cars, credit cards, etc.), unlike omegas who cannot have these services without authorization from its alpha.

1. Heat : The heat of alphas lasts for 3 days

2. Dress : they are allowed to wear current clothes, with the condition of preserving elegance. Ex: a paired or high-ranking alpha cannot wear jeans and sweatshirts, as they lose elegance. They must wear at least dress shirts and pants.

3. Voice of command: alphas can use their voice of command over their mates or omegas without a mate to demand respect. On the other hand. an alpha can be penalized if he uses his command voice with a paired omega, or in the case where he uses it to subdue an omega and force him to do inappropriate things

4. Sustaining his home: A good alpha must have a lot money and being married. They must possess material goods based on a good job, although there are cases where they engage in illegal activities such as the sale of omegas, which constitutes a serious crime.

They are obliged to support their home economically as well as in the scope of corresponding to their omega

5. Having cubs: an alpha with many cubs is well regarded, as he has an heir to whom he can give everything. It is well perceived that he has a good number of puppies (considered from 3 to 6 puppies)

The latter as an argument to the nature of wanting children of omegas.


These present a totally normal life, like us they are allowed to dress informally if they prefer.

They can be paired with both alphas and omegas.

As alphas can have all technological luxury and forge their life just like us in a normal way.

Betas cannot hold leadership positions in a place. They cannot be as authority over an alpha.

Ex: a beta cannot be a boss when an alpha is capable of exercising that position.


As we see the ones that must follow the most rules are the omegas, throughout history I will specify and exemplify each piece of information that I have mentioned.

As for alphas, they have more benefits due to their position in the hierarchy and finally Betas that have a more relatively equal to the one we carry With the passage of the chapters I will give more data if necessary and clarifying special cases such as: deltas, ranges, sterile omegas, substitute alphas, ties broken, etc. Warning: this story contains occasional vulgar and derogatory language, scenes of emotional suffering of the protagonists that can be considered of a sensitive nature.

A/N: Sorry if there's a lot of grammar mistake, english is not my first language.

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