Planeptune's Story

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Gamindustri, Planeptune

We then see Neptune who was lying on the ground unconscious. Then, she wakes up from her conscious and said.

(BGM: Insecure feeling - Mega Dimension Neptunia VII)

Neptune: Ugh. Guys, where are we now?

Next, Neptune turns her head left and right to look where she's at and said.

Neptune: Hmm... I'm pretty sure we were suppose to be in—

Neptune: Wait, where's everyone else?! Am I alone? Heeey, Noire! Blaaanc! Veeeeertt!!!

Neptune: ...No one's around. Kirby, Noire, Nepgear, and the others are gone. What in the heck happened?

Neptune: If I recall, Kirby got suck into a portal and we have to go after him. Then, we caught up to him and were engulfed in light...

Neptune: So maybe that's what happen.

Then, Neptune got up and saw three figures that look familiar to her which she started look closely saying.

Neptune: Say... isn't that—

As Neptune looks closer, she sees Kirby, Marx, and Ribbon who were unconscious on the ground.

Neptune: It is them. I gotta check if their okay.

Next, Neptune ran towards them so she could check if their okay. Once Neptune made it to where their at, Neptune pick up Kirby and started to shake him a little saying.

Neptune: Kirby, are you okay? If you are, speak to me.

After shaking him a few times, Kirby started to open his eyes as he sees Neptune saying.

Kirby: Poyo...?

Neptune: Kirby!

Then, Neptune hugs Kirby who realized this and started to hug her back.

Kirby: Poyo!

Neptune: I miss you too, Kirby.

Next, Marx and Ribbon got up from her conscious and said.

Marx: Ugh... what just happen.

Neptune: Marx! Ribbon! You two are alright.

Marx: Yeah, we're okay, Neptune.

Ribbon: So, where are we exactly?

Neptune: Well beats me. Even though I have a feeling that I'm back home.

Marx: Wait a minute... where are the others?

Then, Kirby, Marx, and Ribbon look around as Neptune said.

Neptune: Um... I don't know.

Marx: I guess we must have been separated.

Ribbon: Oh dear, what are we gonna do.

Kirby was now feeling worried about them as he was now making a sad face expression saying.

Kirby: Poyo...

Neptune: Don't worry, Kirby. I'm sure your friends are with my friends right about now.

Suddenly, they heard a ringing noise as Neptune takes out her N-Gear and said.

Neptune: Could it be?! Hello!!

Noire: Neptune?! You're safe!

Neptune: Yup, I'm still kickin'! What about you, Noire? Hey... by the way, where are you right now?

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