chapter 13

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Felix had it enough. He can't let marinette be like this. If he keeps looking at her being like this he'll soon develop a heart problem. Yes... He'll get her back to her happy go lucky self so he himself can be healthy. Not because of anything else.

So he tried to approach her... And failed. Miserably so. She treated him as Air. Freaking air! Like there's not someone trying to talk to her. The most infuriating that of all is she's only ignoring him like this. If someone talks to her about something she will reply. Even if it was short and to the point but she still REPLIED!! what's wrong with him then? He knows that he messed up back in Paris but come on it's been a long time since then. She couldn't be still mad at him right? But... If she is mad then it is good. It means she still has emotion and not an emotionless doll... Just the thought alone hurts him somehow.

He has to know what happened to her. But he can't go and ask directly now can he? So he called his useless cousin. He has to know what happened to her.

"Ah!! Felix... what.. a pleasant surprise..." All too familiar voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Yes.. it's is a surprise to actually call you." But pleasant it was not.

" I need some information about a friend of yours"

" Why do you need them" Adrian asked alert. He hoped his cousin wasn't planning something...

"That is non of your business. Just answer my question. If not I don't mind flying to Paris my self. I'm sure you'll love that, wouldn't you cousin."

"Don't!!! I mean- I mean- you don't have to do that. I'll answer what ever you want to know." Adrian really didn't want his cousin to come to Paris....

Felix had alot of questions he liked answered. And he was the one person who could answer it. "Good."

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