Chapter 1

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You see the blood running out of her from the stab wound you gave her for disobeying. She's pretty. With golden brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. The perfect body. The perfect victim.

You start to clean and patch the wound. The only reason she wasn't screaming was because she was unconscious. Which helped you in the situation. After that you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You have blood on your face. All over your clothes and body there are blood splatters. You take your shirt and pants off so your only in your underwear. And throw the clothes into the fire. You have an extra pair anyways, so you should be fine. After you cleaned yourself up a bit you walk towards the girl, pick her up and set her gently on the bed. Then you tie her hand above her head and her legs spread out onto the poles of the bed. You look at her wearing only a bra and underwear, not that you took it off. She came to you like that from the slut of a job she has. After she flirted with you, you convinced her to come with you to "your house" and with ease she agreed. You guys started hooking up and then you stabbed her and knocked her out in the middle of it. Now she's gonna listen or she will pay the price of disobeying you.

"Mmmhm," she starts moaning. You snap out of your thoughts and look at her shes starting to wake up. "Hi darling, how are you?" You say to her like nothing happened. "What happe-," she stops mid sentence and notices that she's tied up to the bed. You walk over to her and put a gag on her before she could scream. Not that it was needed anyway, you were in a soundproof room. But you thought it would be fun. She looks at you frightened and shaking. "Shhhh... it'll all be over soon," you say calmly to her. You walk from the corner of the room to the bed, stop for a second and then climb on the bed and straddling her, before she could even try to get untied. "We're gonna finish what we started and then you'll be done. Ok?" You ask. She nods frantically.

**Warning smut ahead**

You take your underwear off and putting you in her making her let out a moan causing you to smile. Yes, you think, finishing her is gonna be fun. You start thrusting back and forth causing her to moan through the gag even more. Still in her you start kissing and leaving hickey marks all over her body, finding her sweet spot and sucked harder, causing the poor girl to whimper. You shove your fingers inside and thrust making her moan super loud but but off by the gag.

*The end of it**

After that you got cleaned up and cleaned her up and then got dressed. You take her the bathroom after untying her and set her lying down on the floor. You tighten her gag and then you get your knife and sit on her legs. You take the knife and stab her in the stomach and twist causing her to scream but the sound is muffled by the gag. Then you slit her throat watching her struggle to stop the bleeding while choking on her own blood. After a bit her lifeless body is lying on the floor. Then you clean up the blood and then clean up yourself. When you get done cleaning up, you put on gloves and wipe the places you touched and left hickeys on her body. You then put her body under one of the loose boards in the bedroom, and making sure you didn't leave any evidence behind.

"Ten down, 10 years to wait for the next twenty to go," you say aloud smirking. Your plan on waiting ten year to pick the next batch. Who will the next twenty be? Who knows? That's for you to decide.

Sorry if I dont update a lot. I'm trying to find out what I'm doing for the next chapter. I want it to be perfect and surprising who the killer is gonna be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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