Chapter 2

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Last time, on A Bunch of Nobodies...

Still Ethan's POV....

" Ready to be my wing man?"

Gavin chuckles looking at a cute girl from afar. I groan and shake my head.

" Its just the first day and your already tryna find a girlfriend?"

My brother was about to reply when he was interrupted by the lock down drill and someone screaming. Whats going on...

Now, on A Bunch of Nobodies...

I get a rushing cold chill at the back of my neck, to freaked out by the sudden drill and the screams, I tell my friends to hurry up and go to the nearest classroom. While running I smell a fresh unsettling smell. The smell makes my stomach wanna turn. We get in the classroom with Star holding the door for one more person it seems, but from the way her expression quickly changed, I don't like it. I quickly rush over and slam the door closed also making sure it was locked.

"Star... What did you see...?" 

I question as Raven lead her to an open seat rubbing her back.  Star just looks at me and breaks down. This can't be good at all. Someone was banging on the door and the teacher looked around before opening the door because a man was screaming to let him in. The man rushes in and slams the door on someones hand causing them to scream in pain. The door final closes fully with a pair of fingers falling to the floor. The teacher was taken back and covered her mouth and nose afraid. 

"They're all fucking sick! The students are eating each other up!! Then the people they bite or eat comes back and attack others!! They're like fucking zombies I tell you! The school is so fucking stupid!! All you little shits grab something to fight with!"

The man was yelling and looked around for anything sharp. I look at his clothes and saw blood staining his sleeves on the right side.

"His infected."

I look and saw Jesa holding a pair scissors glaring at him. I then look at the rest of my friends and Gavin.

"If their like zombies...Then his one of them! He can turn into one of them any second now!!"

All the students were all agreeing, saying to kick him out or kill him. The man tries to hide it but its no use since we already saw it.

"N-No! its just a scratch! Plus! I-I..."

The kids slowly started to corner the man and I look away and cover stars view with my body and I covered her ears. I look at Maya and the rest of them looking away. I tightly closes my eyes hearing the the blood gushing screams. How could this have happened. Some many things all in one day.

"We need to throw the body out. The zombies will get attracted by the smell." 

The students nodded and one quickly opens the door while the strongest students throw the body out. They close and lock the door before the zombies came close.

"That was sick Jesa...Why did you do that?"

Raven gives a sympathetic look at Jesa. I couldn't help but agree. We didn't even know if the scratch was from the zombie or not. I let go of stars ears and look at the blood stained corner.

"What should I had done?  ask him were he got it? I was just making sure"

Jesa asks someone to clean up the blood. Maya and Gavin agree with her.

"Jesas right...if we asked he could of lied and someone could of got hurt.."

Maya looks away and scratches her arm while Gavin scratches his head.

"But what if he was telling the truth? We could of-"

Raven was cut of by me. 

"Jesa is right. We can't take any chances."

I could see how hurt Raven was that I didn't her side. She shakes her head and sits next to star. Just then the intercom turns on. A scared woman's voice could be heard.

"G-grab anything sharp or j-just s-something to protect yourself with! w-we need t-to clear the school a-as fast as possible."

The woman screamed as a door was bushed down with someone, or something, scream back at her and attacking her. After that a gun shot could be heard.

"What you fuckers waiting for. Hurry up and help me. clear out the zombies."

Said a very old voice from the intercom.

Few hours later...

Third POV...

The school was barricaded with tables, chairs, and any other heavy objects that could found. The sky was now filled with stars and the moon. Most people were relaxing while others were still feeling uneasy. The adults had students 6ft apart just in case, also with corona still being around. They were checking if anyone was bitten or scratched. At least 8 students were found infected. They had been either put in a empty room or was killed on the spot. Ethan can't help but feel that chilling cold chill again. Was this really okay? He couldn't imagine living like this, but he knew life was unfair.

End of chapter 2 for A Bunch of Nobodies

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This is the end of chapter 2!! I will see if I can post chapter 3 tomorrow or so. Thank you so much for reading^^ I also didn't proof read this one so sorry :P :> . I hoped you enjoyed!! Bye Bye!

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