Chapter 3

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Last time, on A Bunch of Nobodies...

The school was barricaded with tables, chairs, and any other heavy objects that could found. The sky was now filled with stars and the moon. Most people were relaxing while others were still feeling uneasy. The adults had students 6ft apart just in case, also with corona still being around. They were checking if anyone was bitten or scratched. At least 8 students were found infected. They had been either put in a empty room or was killed on the spot. Ethan can't help but feel that chilling cold chill again. Was this really okay? He couldn't imagine living like this, but he knew life was unfair.

Now, on A Bunch of Nobodies...

Few days later....

Food and water supplies was getting lower or becoming rotten. Electricity was out, the only source of entertainment and news of what was going  on outside of this barricaded walls. Today was an eventful day though, the school agreed their life was a bigger priority than the younger students. They began to pick the most unnecessary or weak students and kicked them out. Only two group were kicked today, but that wasn't the last group to be kicked. Things were only gonna get worse.

Raven POV....

I stood next to Maya and Ethan as the two groups of kids were being sent out. I couldn't help but feel upset at this action. I knew one of the girls that was being sent away.

"There's still to many people here. We need to send one or two more groups."

The old man was looking around and made eye contact with me. I felt a disgusting chill on my back as he smirks pointing at us. 

"You seem to all be really close, you guys can go, but that boy can stay"

I look at Gavin and he was surprised. I could see how relief he was. Why were we getting sent out for?! Being close is a stupid reason. We were getting pushed towards the exit of the school.

"Come on Gavin... Come with us.."

Ethan had a sad expression as he has to leave his brother in this shit hole of a place.

"I was given an opportunity to live and survive here, and you want me to come with you?! I've always lived in your shadow! I'll die if I try and survive out there with you."

Gavin was raising his voice for the first time at Ethan. I didn't think he actually felt this way. Ethan's face changed from sadness to angry.

"You were always the favorite! Like fuck you were living in my shadow! Everyday I had someone on my back while you had fun with all your friends! watch!  When the school kicks you out I don't wanna see your face!"

I could tell Ethan didn't mean that to Gavin, but it seems like Gavin couldn't tell. Gavin laughs at Ethan.

"You'll die before I get kicked out! I wasn't gonna run to you anyways!"

Then from afar I saw the barricades breaking down and zombies pouring in. 

"The zombies are breaking in!!"

I yell and point at the wall and everyone turns and screams. We all began to run away. I saw Ethan grab Gavin's hand and ran away with the rest of us. The adults weren't doing so great in holding back the zombies. One by one, the adults caved in. I looked back and saw Gavin get jumped by a big zombie. This caused Ethan to fall a few feet away from him. Ethan watched in horror seeing his brother helpless under the zombie. I run back and grab Ethan, I tried my best to drag him away. 

"We need to go back!! I-if we all go we can s-save Gavin!!!"

"We can't Ethan! we'll all die if we go back!"

We hear Gavin scream in pain. We look back and saw green looking particles spread in the air. Everyone near or in the gas looking thing came out all burnt. Acid, the air was finally cleared and all that was left of Gavin was left overs of his bones, meat, and skin. There was blood pouring out of him. I felt like puking. I looked away but I could feel Ethan fall to his knees. I couldn't leave Ethan. I hear Star yelling but I couldn't hear her over the sound of my pounding heart. Star pushes me away causing me to let go of Ethan and fall. I look back at star and saw her stabbing a zombies head over and over. She got off the zombie and wiped the blood off her face.

"We need to go...."

She helped me up while Jesa and Maya tried to Ethan to come along. As much as I hated Gavin for what he said, he didn't deserve to die like that, no one should. Im definitely going to get nightmares, I know Ethan is too. 

After getting far away from the school...

We found a empty house a few miles away from the school.  We got Ethan to some what calm down and take a nap. Jesa was watching the outside to see if anyone was coming or if a zombie was getting to close. The rest of us was relaxing and trying to calm down as much as possibly. I'll never get over how fucked up everything was today. I wish my family was here with me right now. I miss my dog too. 

End of chapter three for A Bunch of Nobodies...

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Thanks so much for being here and reading these :3. Im sorry I didnt post this chapter yesterday- I wasnt really feeling well. I feel way better today tho! Ill try and write/post the fourth chapter today ! Have a good bay! bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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