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Cheryl's POV
What the fuck just happen?did I just moan?now I'm scared and nervous around this girl I need to fine out more about her,I have to have a talk with Kevin or her gang. I kinda like her though gotta say she's pretty.

*Skipping to lunch*
No one's POV
Cheryl went to the cafeteria to hang out with her friends,Cheryl saw Toni talking to the same girl(Emily) she looks scared and uncomfortable,why is Toni touching her*she thought to herself*

Cheryl:hey Kevin what's up with you and Toni?

Kevin:it's a long story

Betty:we got time


Kevin:well I used to work for Toni,I sell her drugs and she doesn't pay me any cent so I stole her money and ran away,there long story short happy now?

Archi: hey calm down bro

Cheryl: is she dangerous or something?

Kevin:yeah she is I wouldn't go in her way if I were you

Veronica:Kevin come clean for use what's her reputation?

Kevin:she's a drug dealer and a murderer,she killed a lot of people but I on the other hand would be dead in a couple of hours

Betty:wow she's dangerous and a badass


Archi:don't worry keV we'll help you

Kevin: yeah I don't think so

Veronica: hey your gonna talk to fangs?he keeps checking you out

Kevin:oh my god,he's staring I would talk to him but Toni doesn't know about us dating we don't want her to find out so we keep our distance

Cheryl: oh and if she finds out what will happen?

Kevin:you have no idea

No one's POV
The bell rang signaling everyone to get to class,Cheryl saw Toni talking to the same girl(Emily)
But she's just standing there crying her eyes out. Cheryl had no idea what's going on over there but then Cheryl saw Toni whisper to the girl and they both left and go their separate ways.

*Sorry for the short story but I promise I'll give what y'all want*

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