Chapter 1

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???:-I love you. *pants*


???:- Namjoon-shi....I-I don't wanna die this early.....P-Please....I-I wanna spend some more time in your arms.

Namjoon:- D-Don't worry Y/N. They may kill us.*pant* B-But they can never kill o-our love. I-If we truly love each other. In our next life we will reunite. Our love will be immortal.

???:- Here you are.

Someone dragged prince Kim Namjoon and his love Jung Y/N out from there hiding spot.

???:- I had warned you Prince Namjoon. You should think of marrying a royal princess not a poor peasant girl.

Namjoon:- Appa you are insulting my love. And it's my life I have the right to choose my life partner.

Emperor Kim:- How dare you speak like that to me young man!!


Y/N:- Y-Your highness please l-leave him. I-It's all m-my fault. P-Punish me. But p-please leave him.

Emperor Kim:- You shut up?! You don't deserve to live!! You know the prince should marry a princess and you??!! Soldiers shoot her!!

???:- Ok your highness!!

Namjoon:- No appa! You can't do this!


Y/N immediately rushed to Namjoon. Who now was shot by a poisoned arrow. And put his head in her lap.

Y/N:- Why Namjoon-shi??!! Why??! Why did you do this?! *crying* Why did you do this for me??!

Namjoon:- We will meet again in our next life. Our love is immortal. Bye love. Love you.

Y/N:- Love you too Namjo-Ahh!!

Y/N too was shot with a poisoned arrow.

Y/N:- Thankfully god allowed me to die with you my love. I love you.

The emperor and the soldiers were long gone leaving the 2 dead bodies in the dark, gloomy forest.

"Our love is immortal"

Tale of the immortal love || Namjoon ||Where stories live. Discover now