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𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 my way across the distance to the large pool of water, I could hear higher-pitched laughing, like the girls were having the time of their lives.

"C'mon Peter! Tell us about your adventure with that nasty old Captin Hook again. Pretty please?" One of the girls whined, her voice turning more towards a flirty tone.

More of the girls chimed in with their pleads, their voices a beautiful chorus of sound. I was tempted to start running towards the water but resisted the urge and found a large tree trunk to hide behind.

Shielding my body from their site, I was closer than I thought I was to the pool. Peering from behind it, I could see Pan sitting on the bank, his knees bent out in front of him. The bottom half of his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his feet were dipped in the shallow end.

The girls were crowded around him, their elbows resting on the grass as their lower half was submerged. All of their eyes shone as they gazed at him in fascination, sparkling with inhuman color.

"Maybe next time ladies, I have to get back to my lost boys," Pan sighed, almost like he didn't want to leave the obvious attention. Pausing for a second, he had a look of contemplation on his face and didn't move to get up, "And lost girl."

"Peter!" The girls exclaimed, reaching to grab one of his feet before he could move to stand, but he swiftly retracted them before they could, "Why is she your lost girl? Why can't I?"

"Yeah, Peter! It's not fair to us," Another exclaimed, pouting in a way that suggested that she meant more by that simple statement.

Sighing again, Pan stood up to his full height and inhaled sharply through his nose, winking at the girls before turning to leave. Watching him leave, I swiftly hid behind the tree again, until I couldn't be seen.

I waited a couple of minutes, listening to the crunching footsteps of Pan's feet walk away until they could no longer be heard. Then, I made myself known. I realized where they resided was a large alcove with a cave carved into the side of a cliff. Smooth rocks poked out of the water in random formation, some of the girls now lying on them in such a way that I couldn't see their legs.

Slowly stepping towards the girls and their pool, they all turned their heads quickly, sizing me up with their judging eyes. Their whole persona was beautiful and elegant, each and every one of them; it made me feel like I was plain.

"Who are you?" One of the girls asked, her auburn hair smoothed back and tucked behind her ears.

"Coralie," I stated, while I stared at her straight in the eyes, both of them staring back, "Do you know where in the island we are?"

She smiled broadly and glanced at her friends beside her, "Well, welcome to Neverland Coralie. Why don't you come swimming with us? We could show you around a little? Help you get back to wherever you're going."

I gazed at her for a solid minute before I decided to answer her offer. I was never going to tell them I was lost. And the way they were acting with Pan, I didn't think I could trust them with something like that.

"But, I don't have anything to wear for swimming," I challenged, trying to avoid her offer. The water seemed pretty deep and the clothing would weigh me down, I had learned that the hard way.

"That's okay, just swim in your dress. It will only be a little while, promise," She tried to convince me, her voice a beautiful symphony as she spoke; like wind chimes in the breeze.

It was like my mind flipped a switch, as something changed and I was leaning towards a definite yes. It couldn't be so bad, not after I had been dropped in the ocean. Unwillingly nodding my head in agreement, I saw her reach out her hand for mine, her eyes shining in the golden light.

Suddenly a twig snapped from behind me and a deep angry voice spoke, "She doesn't want to go swimming, Adella."

Snapping out of whatever trance I was in, I realized my shoes were cusping the edge of the pool, my socks damp underneath. Adella's hand retracted just as quickly, turning to the voice behind me with fearful eyes.

Stalking up to us and gripping my arm, Pan pulled me from the bank and back into the dark blanket of trees. The sun was hiding behind most of the trees as it was close to setting for the night.

"Peter! We were just having a little fun," Adella called from behind us, her voice tight like she was frustrated that he ignored her.

Pan walked quickly and furiously, his feet barely hitting the ground before the next one did. I tripped over my own a couple of times before I got into the rhythm of his movements, following him to wherever he was taking me. It was very apparent that he was not happy, whether that be with Adella or me, I didn't know.

I could see the small embers from a fire up ahead and realized Pan had taken me back to the camp. Stopping at the edge, Pan spun me to face him, his body less than a foot away, "Don't go back there, Coralie."

Confusion sprung through me at his demand, staring at his shadowed face in bewilderment, "Why? Who were those girls?"

He didn't answer, just glanced up and focused his gaze on the trees he could see in the distance above my head. It frustrated me, I knew nothing about him, but he seemed to have so many secrets hidden away that even the lost boys didn't know.

"Peter," I mocked, trying to see if that would get his attention, which proved to work as his eyes snapped to meet mine.

"It's Pan," He said through clenched teeth, his face getting impossibly closer to mine. His anger seemed to be obviously growing the more I questioned him, which I noticed was something he wasn't used to.

"You only want your lost boys to call you that so you can implement fear. We call that tromperie from where I'm from. Who were those girls? I thought I was the only one on the island?" I half scoffed, and when he didn't answer me again, my fuse blew up in smoke, "Réponds-moi!"

"They were trying to drown you!" Pan exclaimed, his temper seemingly blown the same as mine. His English accent thickening the more he spoke, "Their sirens, it's what they do. Just don't go back without someone with you if you're so eager. I don't care."

With that last sentiment, he took a step back and brushed past me into the camp, towards one of the larger tents before he disappeared inside, leaving me in the dark.


Well, that was eventful.

I hope you liked this chapter! And stay tuned for future updates!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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