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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 positions in the small amount of space I could muster in the bamboo cage, I rested my head back against the wall and sighed out in frustration. Sleep was not coming easy, wither it be unknown animals shuffling through the forest brush, startling me awake again, or the fact that I couldn't get comfortable or at ease enough to drift off.

Listening to the soft sounds of the forest, my ears picked up a melody of voices, the many pitches moulded into one another. Stilling my body and breathing to listen better, I intently listened to the chorus. After a few seconds, I could tell that they had an upset sound to them, almost like crying.

Ignoring it as much as I could, I rested my head against the corner of the box and closed my eyes.

The sound of heavy footsteps woke me from my dreamless sleep, lifting my head up from my shoulder and squinted my eyes from the blinding light of the rising sun. I could hear Pan's voice before I could see him in view, "You better be awake! My lost boys are eager to meet you."

Suddenly his face appeared in front of the cage door, a smirk adorning his face as he raised one eyebrow. I watched as he untied the knot in the twine rope and lowered the cage, letting me out. Crawling out, I wavered a little as I stretched my legs and threw my arms over my head, "Oh mon Dieu!"

Pan chuckled from beside me, which made me turn to face him, I noticed the look in his eyes, dark and scheming. Who would enjoy trapping someone in a cage?

Snapping his fingers, clothes and a pair of brown loafers appeared in his hands, handing them to me with impatience, "Change into these."

Taking them from him, I walked away from Pan and stood behind a large tree, hoping it covered my body enough from him while I changed.

"Lost boys!" Pan bellowed out the mingling boys, most were sat in a group around an unlit firepit. I couldn't even count how many boys were muddling around, that was until they all turned their attention the green-eyed boy beside me.

All of their eyes were glued to my face and body, making me shift uncomfortably under their stare. Staring at the clothes Noah picked out or me, I felt a little better. The dark green dress I was sporting blew in the breeze slightly, the neckline came up over my chest and covered everything, paired with capped sleeves. The loose fit of the dress reached down just below my knees, a twine string tied around my waist to make it more fitted.

"This is Coralie. She is not to be touched until I am able to send her away, understand?" Pan's voice darkened with authority as he went on, the lost boys nodding their heads as if on cue, "Good."

Suddenly Pan pushed me forward, towards the crowd of boys. Staring at the large number of them, I felt a little bit nervous; I didn't know anybody here. Glazing around the camp for a minute, I noticed the tents laced around the camp were seemingly in a semi-circle, turning my head a bit to the right, a table stood in front of a tent, sheets of paper lazily piled on top.

Slowly making my way towards the fire, around the boys without drawing too much attention, I grabbed a thicker piece of charcoal from the fire pit and snatched a piece of paper from the table. Making my way to a log a bit away from the centre of camp, I stared at the dirt a foot before me for a while.

I didn't know what to say, as it wasn't my beloved leather cover journal. Sitting there for another few moments, I began to write the past events, like a keeper of my time here, though I had no idea what day it was.

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