John B | Little White Lies

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"So, uh Kook Princess huh?" The tall brunette questioned, standing near me at the boneyard.

"That's me." I lightly laughed, hiding the embarrassment that was clearly written in bold letters across my face.

"So, what's a girl like you doing on the cut?"

"A girl like me? Excuse you." My face went from confusion to pure frustration, "What? Are you saying I can't hang out with non-kooks?" Clearly agitated JB pops another joke;

"Non-kooks? Hm, that'd look good on a billboard. The non-kooks have struck again!" He laughed as I laughed along. "I- I'm kidding, of course. Don't murder me in my sleep."

"Oh, sleep with one eye open. Be lucky if I don't pull a Cyrus Miller." (A/N: Fear Street 1666 reference lol)

"Oh totally, I can just see you doing it."

"Are you saying I look like a murderer?"

"In my defense, never said you didn't."

"Good cover, JB." I laughed as we continued to sit side-by-side on the fallen tree. "So, what are you doing talking to the "Kook Princess", huh?"

"Y'know, just keeping my enemies close."

"Ah, enemies to lovers... My favorite trope."

"And my kook crushes closer, of course."

"Hm, kook crush now? Is that what I am to you, Routledge?"

"Just maybe."

"Aw, are you flirting with my sister again?" Topper called from the beach, slowly-yet somehow surely, headed towards us.

"Aw, are you spying on me again?"

"No, I'm here for Sarah, and to uhm.." He lowers his voice, "Spy on the Pogues."

"Well I guess I'm included as a Pogue now." I whispered back. "So, let's stop bickering like an old couple and I can get back to talking about enemies and fear street." He rolled his eyes as he headed off towards Sarah, who was standing in the ocean by the sunset.

"Sunset's beautiful isn't it?" I turned my head around, to see the same tall brunette who was flirting with me staring directly at me.

"Is that your new nickname for me, John?"

"Oh, uhm, uh."

"Relax John B, I know the sunset's behind me." He let out a nervously relived laugh as I giggled along. "C'mon, I know a good place to watch the sunset."
I grabbed his wrist and he followed me, me dragging him by his wrist, quickly turned into us holding hands as we headed towards my secret spot. "This is my top secret layer, where I run experiments and use test subjects." The sarcasm in my voice was loud and clear, "And the only place where I can get some alone time when my brother constantly harasses me." He laughed along as we went up a ladder in a tree by the forest, It was decorated in Fairy Lights, Cozy Blankets, Family-Friend's Polaroids scattered around the wall, A old Mini Fridge I found at a thrift store, and A record player I also found at the thrift store. "Welcome to my Humble Abode."

"You built this — yourself, L/N?" His voice inflicted how impressed and shocked he was, I laughed as I put my hands to my hips.

"All by myself, yep. I also made some of these pieces myself."

"Wow." He muttered, Tracing the wood logs that was used to make the wall as he walked around, impressed.

"Well stop walking around like a boy who lost his mother in a grocery store and we can have some fun." He laughed as he sat down against the wall with a blanket, opposite of me. "You wanna play Truth or Dare?"

After a few rounds, a very shocking question fell our of his mouth.

"Are you currently in love with anyone?" My face dropped before smiling until I couldn't feel my face, I nervously laughed as my back hit the wall again.

"Uhm... Yeah. Yeah, I am." Surprisingly, I even shocked myself that I admitted that to him. He ridiculously smiled as I started my turn.

A couple rounds later another shocking question slipped.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I smiled as I nervously laughed, almost as if I knew something was gonna happen.

"Truth, hm okay goody two shoes. Who are you in love with?" I froze for a second, "You don't have to answer of course, Kookie."

"Fine then, JB. I might be falling for a certain Tall Brunette who happens to be a Pogue, sitting across from me."

"Oh wow, so much detail... I wonder who it could be."

"I doubt you'll ever get it."

We both laughed as we fell asleep there that night, and that's the moment I knew I was absolutely and utterly in love.

𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | 𝐜𝐣𝐬𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now