"The Friends Group"

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The following chapter is narrated by Siddhi.

Now, everyone would be thinking from where did i barge in the story. So, just to inform i'm also the part of friends group. I'm Siddhi Mehra, the biggest nerd of Imperial Institute of Science and Commerce, Mumbai.  Round Specs, Snickers, Blue jeans, light coloured full sleeve t-shirt and a high ponytail, yes you imagined my character right. This was exactly my attire on the first day of college, when i entered the hostel room with my bestie from school Naina. Naina was here to study management and i was here for engineering. 

Opposite to Girls Hostel, of course there was the boys  hostel. 3rd Floor, room 403 , i seriously don't know why i remember the hostel room number, but still i just remember. There lived my 3 musketeers :Ayan, Kabir and Mirwaan. Mirwaan was an engineering student, whereas Kabir and Ayan were Management students. 

There is an interesting, but not that interesting incidence through which me and Naina met the three Musketeers.

English was the only subject common between us. Me and Naina were really happy the at-least one class we will be able to attend together this semester. But we were so busy scanning the entire college, that we lost track of time and became late for the english class and coincidently, our three musketeers also reached late. As it was the first day of college, we didn't get any sought of punishment. But we did end up being in the group for the weekly project.

And thats how started THE FRIENDS GROUP was started, which consisited me, Ayan, Kabir, Mirwaan and Naina.

Happy reading :)

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