Chapter 1! [Not Rewritten]

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Y/n snuck up behind the large-horned imp! They were wondering why someone else was stalking those two imps, so they were going to confront the imp!

Y/n tapped his shoulder and the imp's eyes widened, when he looked behind him, there was no-one there, he turned back around.

Y/n stared into the imp's eyes... "Watcha' doing?"

Blitz: Ahh! The fuck!?

Y/n: Oh-Ho~ Language! ~Watch yourself!
Y/n disappears into the shadows, and reappears behind Blitz once again.

Blitz turns around; Fuck! Stop moving!
Blitz pulled out a flintlock pistol.

Y/n: I only was curious! There's no need to shoot me!~ I just wanted to talk~
Y/n tilted their head towards and to the side a bit while bending over to the far shorter imp's height.

Blitz: Talk? What-Why?
Blitz gained a confused look, but kept his finger on the trigger, pointed at Y/n.

Y/n: Cause' you seemed interested in those people over yander'.
Y/n pointed to the pair of imps who where crossing the street over to their side.

Blitz: The-fuck? Yeah~ Those are my employees. I can stalk whoever I want!
Blitz turned his head and crossed his arms.

Y/n: Stalk? You do that too? Can we be friends?~
Y/n stood up straight and twisted their head.

Y/n: Stalk? You do that too? Can we be friends?~Y/n stood up straight and twisted their head

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Blitz: Friends? What? Why'd you want to be my friend?
Blitz glared at Y/n.

Y/n: Cause' I'm bored~
Y/n gestures to nothing in particular, and their neck straightens.

Blitz: Want a job? I've got this company of mine that I've planning on makin'! It's just that I have to get this book from someone~
Blitz tilts his head slightly and makes a gesture suggesting the holding of a book.

Y/n: Need someone to steal it!?
Y/n's eyes enlarged and they bent over to the imp's face.

Blitz: Steal? You can do that? Wait-No, I can't just have you steal from a higher ranking demon!~
Blitz scrunched his face and cletched his fists, angry.

Y/n: Please!?~ I'll join your little company if you let me steal it!
Y/n pleaded, their eyes becoming smaller with the fear of not being able to steal something.

Blitz: Wait, you're okay with this? I mean, you-eww~ You smell like the human worl- wait! Are you new? The fuck are you doing here?
Blitz looked up at the taller shadow demon, who shrugged and shook its head.

Blitz: ... Well, sure, you can try and grab it for me~ But don't screw it up!
Blitz pointed a finger at Y/n.

Y/n: Sure! Thanks alot Mister! Wait, what's your name?
Y/n stood tall, but bent back over to hear what the imp had to say about his name.

Blitz: The name's Blitzø-The O's silent!
Blitz grabbed their hand and shook it.

Y/n: So, 'Blitz', why were you watching those folks?
Y/n looks over to the imps, and placed their hands on their hips, the imps were now walking their way, presumably to get to the house that is behind the two chatting demons.

Blitz: So you know how I said earlier; that they were my employees?

Y/n: Yes~?~

Blitz: I actually meant, future employees! I was gonna take them under my wing! And give the pair a job!
Blitz pointed pointed and smiled at the imps, who were weirded out and quickly walked past them and into their home.

Y/n: Oh~ That sounds kind of you!~
Y/n's mouth-less grin, went wider, as they bent over a little more, just a tad bit.

Blitz: Yeah~ So! About that demon I need you to steal from~...
Blitz looks back at Y/n and stares at him, as the screen goes black...

(The first is the form that Y/n uses when they feel sick, or tired/when needed as well

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(The first is the form that Y/n uses when they feel sick, or tired/when needed as well. In that form, they are 5 feet tall. The middle is Y/n's normal form, they are 9 feet tall! That's what they usually use when they walk around, or meet with other demons. The final form is the one that Y/n uses when they are angry, or fighting, -either way, the power of the form doesn't increase. They also lose an eye, and gain symbols on their body, and become 14 feet tall! Around the height of a room, or whole house! This form is definitely the strongest, and allows for nigh-omnidirectional movement! Basically saying that Y/n can straight up T-pose and slide along the ground without moving their legs. This also means that Y/n gets faster! Slipping in between even the fastest of attacks! And speaking of slipping; Y/n also can turn into a liquid-ey substance! Like ink, but more shadow-ey! Y/n can also harden! -Make their limbs sharp n' stuff! -Which is possible in all forms, but the most useful, that which is only available in the final form, are their eldritch powers! That's right! Y/n's basically a far-less known Alastor! And this subtlety, -gives Y/n access to the other rings of hell! Via-teleportation. )

{I'll be making my own art as the chapters progress! Be sure to add to your library to see just how this story turns out! I think I'll be doing a chapter every 2 days or something, but right now! -I'm okay with doing two before the end of the day! See you in the next chapter!} (Future me, uh, I actually don't do a chapter every two days anymore... But you should keep reading on! I still make long chapters, don't you worry about that.)



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{-Not mine}

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