Chapter one: " Prolouge "

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Author: " I'm trying a new writing style in this story so hope you enjoy "


< unknown POV >


An unknown voice whispered as tears starts to fall from this person eyes.

" stop!!!!!! Calm down!!!! You're drunk!! " a voice of an older woman shouts, as a grumpy angered voice replied.

" don't you dare fucking tell me to calm down! " the older man replied as a loud noise can be heard.


" ahhhh! You b- bastard!!! " the older woman screamed, before more hitting noise can be heard. With the older woman screaming in pain. Causing the person hiding sob in silence, scared as his voice cracks.

M- mommy.....

The voice of a young child says looking through a small crack in the closet, seeing his father beating up his mom. Pinning her on the ground hitting his mother in the face.

" take this you stupid bitch!!!!! " the father of the boy shouted as he now started choking his mother, who's breath started staggering. Gasping for air as the child scream.

" mommy! " the child scream before instantly covering his mouth, going further back into the closet. Not peaking outside as he heard steps getting closer and closer to his position.




The loud noise of the wooden floor cracking as the closet was slowly open, to be met with the father who face is bright red. Showing he was drunk with scratches on his cheeks and arms.

" there you are you little shit come here! " the angered father grabbed the frail boys arm, forcing him out of the closet. Throwing him on the ground as the kid wince in pain, with the father picking the boy up in the air by his black hair.

" s- stop please I'm sor- " before the kid could continue speaking he was slapped by his own father, who can only see red.

" shut the fuck up! You are annoying just like your mother!!!!! " the father shouted in the boys face who started sobbing loudly, as he kept getting hit.

Mommy...... it hurts.......

The boy talk in his thoughts as his visions starting getting blurry, before suddenly the father had drop the boy on the ground. As he look up slowly to see his mother on his father's back, hitting him in the back of the head.

" don't you dare lay a finger on my son! " the mother shouted trying to save her child, as the older man struggled before grabbing her long hair. Pulling the woman off of him as he toss her against the wall, having her hit her head on the side of the desk.

Falling on the ground with blood slowly started appearing around her, as the boy tried to crawl over to his unconscious mother. Who stopped moving,

" m- mommy! " the boy tried to reach his mother before getting a foot force on his back, screaming in pain as the father rolled the child on his back. Getting his hands on the kids throat squeezing it tightly, causing more tears to form in his eyes.

" why can't both of you shut up and obey me..... why! Why! Why!?!?!? " the father spoke bullshit causing the boy to slowly lose his breath, his vision getting clouded as his eyes starts going back to his head. Feeling the blood circuits in his body stop working, and the air leaving his lungs.

Before suddenly an older girl quickly burst into the room, seeing her mother unconscious Beaten and bloody. And her younger brother on the ground bruise and semi-conscious.

" dad!!!! Stop!!!!!! " the girl yelled in anger as she immediately kicked her dad in the head, knocking him unconscious as she drops her gym back. Going to his brother who calls her name weakly, breaking her heart.

" h- harmony..... mommy is h- hurt " the boy tried to talk as the girl name harmony shush him, telling him not to talk as she called the cops.

" it's going to be fine buddy....... Hey! Don't close your eyes!!!! Listen to my voice! " the voice of harmony was getting cut off every single second, as siren noises was heard from the outside. Feeling his sister carrying him and his mother outside, to see cops rushing up to them.

With some going inside the house as the last thing the child heard was......

" you're safe now..... don't need to worry about that man again " the voice of his sister told him as he finally close his eyes..........





The sound of a bell ringing as the boy immediately open his eyes, to see he was in the schools gym closet. On the ground with bruise's on his frail body looking up to see his school bully, clicking his tongue as the older boys with him ran out.

" shit!!!!! If we're late its all your fault got it kori!!?!?!? Shit shit shit " the older teen ran out of the room to go too class, as the frail boy name kori look up at the ceiling.

" class is starting....... " kori says to himself as he stood up slowly, not wanting to hurt himself even more. Walking out of the gym closet to be met with his friend....... His crush, Lily Yumma.

" Kori!!!! Come let's go to the nurses!!!! " lily grabbed hold of the boys arm, quickly rushing to the health room.

Which didn't took that long as they arrived inside the health room, as lily went and grabbed ointment and bandages. Helping kori as he looks down sadly and embarrass.

" why do you keep helping me..... am I not a nuisance in your eyes?..... " the broken voice of kori says to lily who shook her head no, forcing her forehead to kori's who started blushing.

" you will never be an nuisance in my eyes got that!!!! What would your sister say about that? She would beat you up before beating me up for letting this shit keep happening " lily told kori who had no words to talk back as he just nods his head, with her finishing putting the last bandage on his cheek.

" let's go to the last class of the day.... After that let's get a smoothie okay? " lily said sweetly to kori who nods his head in agreement, slightly smiling as his friend pulled him with her. Going to the last class of the day, before going out to get a juicy smoothie like usual.

But how long would that last? Let's find out next time in the story of forsaken hollow, the cursed child.

Author: ( " this is a bleach story that will have lots of violence stuff like rape, blood, gore, etc. I'm buffing the Vasto Lorde hollow form. What do you think about the new writing style? Do you like it? Well anyways stay tune for another one and bye 👋 " )

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