Chapter 14: " ........ A Black Neko? / Supernatural World! "

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( Art and music not mine )

( Narrator )

After Kori's punishment he took the training that Zangetsu is teaching him more seriously, no more acting like a brat. He slightly became a better listener then he did a few weeks ago after the event. When Zangetsu tells him he needs to rest Kori rest, when he says that you can keep training Kori will continue to do just that.

While still being hold back by the past Kori managed to find himself slightly livelier, he still has nightmares here and there. But the training and Wisdom that Zangetsu is passing on to him, makes Kori feel better mentally.

" Teacher what now? " Kori asked as he finished his 10 mile run.

" Take a five minute break afterwards we will spar with the sword basics I taught you. After today You only need to practice it for an hour every other day, since from now onwards. I'll teach you martial arts" Zangetsu spoke as he summoned his sword out of thin air, as he use his other hand to toss the wooden sword to kori. Who caught it.

" Martial arts? " Kori asked as he slightly remembered someone else who did martial arts in his past.

" Stop clear your head, but yes martial art's" Zangetsu got into position as he holds his sword with one hand, while Kori uses two hands to hold his sword.

" What kind of martial arts? " Kori cleared his mind after a few deep breaths before asking a question.

" Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, jiu jutsu, taekwondo, etc. What happens if you lose your weapon? You need to know how to fight barehanded by using your whole body as a weapon" Zangetsu waited for Kori to go first as he eyes his movement's.

Kori moved to the right circling around Zangetsu before rushing in, swinging his wooden sword downwards. Zangetsu blocks it before parrying which in return, made Kori change his position to strike right vertically.

Zangetsu quickly turns his sword vertically downwards to the right as he block the strike, moving his foot backwards as he maneuver around Kori after parrying his attack once again. Zangetsu thrusted forward which scraped Kori's right arm, almost stabbing through his neck. If he never bent backwards to dodge the fatal strike, as Kori switched his sword from his right to left hand.

Using his right hand to hold the bottom of the wooden hilt, as he quickly tighten his hold of his sword. Zangetsu pulled his sword back as Kori spun around, to strike vertically left. As Zangetsu moved his sword downwards to block it once again, which Kori saw before changing his strikes direction.

Aiming Horizontally which almost got Zangetsu if he never swung his sword upwards, catching Kori off balance. Before moving in for the attack as Zangetsu had Kori on the ground, with his wooden sword a few feet away from him.

As Kori looked up to see Zangetsu placing the tip of the blade in front of him, before moving it away as he took his hand out for Kori to grab. Which he did as Zangetsu pulled him up to his feet, before saying.

" Good Good, you are learning " Zangetsu was pleased as he patted Kori's shoulders.

" Thanks teacher " Kori smiled as he huff heavily which Zangetsu notice before saying.

" Take half of the day to relax because tonight I will be teaching you Martial arts, you should eat the leftovers of the chicken. After that rest for a little while, for now I'm going to scout out the area for the possibly of civilization " Zangetsu walked as Kori did what he was told to do, going into the man-made hut as he opened up the large green leaf. Which covered a cold left over cooked chicken as Kori dig in.

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