Chapter eight: " LOVE "

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( art and music not mine )

< Narrator >

For the past few weeks Kori's heart kept beating whenever he is around Lily, when he hangs out with her. Whenever she laughs, it's frustrating as his undying love kept growing more and more.

Every single time he wakes up he always imagine waking up to her sleeping face, every time he dreams he only thinks about her. And only her, Harmony notice a change in her brother's attitude to Lily.

She wonder before coming to a conclusion..... her brother was in love, really in love as he asked multiple times to sleepover her house. Of course Harmony letted him, who should deny him the right?.

" Kori tell me this.... Are you in love with Lily" Harmony asked out of nowhere as kori spotted out water:

" Ehhhh!!!!! What are you saying!?!?! " Kori stutter as he blushed at her sudden question, confirming it's the truth as Harmony smile.

" I support you baby brother " Harmony smile as Kori's unknowingly smiled as well, but kept it hidden with his shock expression.

" Thank you..... " Kori whispered as Harmony patted his head before walking upstairs.

While this happens his sister plan on making a date with only the two of them happen. Whether it's now or sometime this weekend, Harmony will make this happen if it's the last thing she will do.

Keeping this a secret away from kori for now since he will probably thank her anyway. Calling up a friend who's friend has a friend that has a connection, to a special place made for new blossoming love.

< Switching POVS >

( This is so boring!!!!! ) Lily who is bored out of her mind, wondering how long before class is finish. While at the same time ignoring the stare of Zach who is glaring at her.

After a week Lily manage to avoid an confrontation with Zach and his friends, switching her places where she hangs out multiple time. Even if it's staying at the front office which she hangs out sometimes, since her friends aunt works there.

At the same time she notice a certain change whenever she speaks to Kori, it's like her view drastically change whenever she spends her time with him. It's like she no longer see him as a friend nor boy. But a man, she been thinking that her mind is playing tricks with her but sooner or later. The truth will come out, as Kori will be coming back to school tomorrow.

She is happy about that but at the same time afraid since Zach will start to act up, if he ever sees him. So she plan on buying a taser just in case....... Make that two.

Before hearing the bell ring.




Once the bell rang Lily quickly pack her stuff before leaving the class, speed walking out of the school gates since that was the last class of the day.

Walking pass the school but for some reason she felt somebody following her, so she quickly picked up her pace. Going straight to where Kori lives before immediately sprinting, slightly turning her head around to see bob and bud chasing her. Before suddenly running into someone, turning her head back to see it was Zach.

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