What the actual fuck.

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Someone yelled. He cried with his head hung low.

"TECHNO?! WIL?! A LITTLE FUCKING HELP?!" The voice screamed into the house, he heard a pair of footsteps. That sped up, he looked up at whoever it was and his heart pounded in his chest.

One, the one who yelled, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes like himself, in a red and white T-shirt.

The other, a pink haired young adult. His face was concerned.

"WIL?!" The pink one yelled.


"COME DOWN!" Another pair of feet. He couldn't help the tears pouring down his cheeks. The constant shake in his whole body.

The fear in his eyes.

The panic.


His hair was scruffy and coated in blood in some places, his eyes were a bright blue, his clothes were torn and charred.

He saw another person come to the doorway, he had curly brown hair and a bright yellow jumper.

It looked like they stopped breathing for a second in shock.

The pink haired one picked the boy up, he was quick on his feet.

It looked like his eyes flashed with white every now and again, they closed the door but were still confused.

The pink one grabbed potions and set Phil down on the couch, checking him for wounds and bandaging his blooded feet.

He grabbed tissues and wiped away Phil's tears and the blood hand prints on his cheeks that Techno feared who they belonged to.

He feared how much this young boy had seen, how much he'd lost, how much he'd been through.

Because he knows exactly what happened.

The boys breathing calmed for the most part.

"What's your name?" Techno asked, looking at the boy who was still clutching a hat.

The other two sat on the couch opposite.

"Ph-Philza- or- or Phil-"

"Good, well done Phil. Where are you from? Where'd you come from?"

"Uh- I- I uhm- uh- I- don't- Minevile-?"

"Hybrid area. Right okay."

"Techno what the fuck?" The younger one said from behind.

"Wh-where's- where's mama-?"


All their hearts just broke.

"And- and papa? Wh- what about my- my brothers-? Sisters-? Where- where they gone-?"

Techno pushed the hair out of Phil's eyes. "They're okay. They're okay bud."

"Pr-promise?" Techno was hesitant, really hesitant. They weren't okay and he knew that, but he couldn't just break this boys heart.

"I promise."

They all heard an explosion, it was miles away but they heard it. They could see the fear that shot through the boys heart.

"What. The fuck. Was that." Tommy said, they all went to the window, apart from the boy. And saw a mass amount of smoke in the air miles away.

In the direction of Minevile.

"Techno.. you don't think-?"

"I do. I do think that's the case."

They all thought the same and looked back at the boy, who was clueless and scared, they had all noticed the wings on his back by now.

Tommy covered his mouth with his hands in shock. When it clicked in his mind.

"Oh my fucking god."

"What if they come here?" Wilbur asked and Techno was quick to answer.

"They wont."


"Because they've already won."

"Won what?"

"The war."

There was a war? What? Since when? Phil looked at them in confusion. He looked exhausted, his eyelids were drooping already, he thought that his parents and siblings were safe.

Techno promised.

A promise means it's true.

So it is.

They're okay and they'll come back to bring him home right?



"Is mama comin'?"

"No, sorry Phil, she's not coming for a little, you'll stay with us till she does!" Techno said with a small smile.

"Sleepy.." Techno went over, picking up the boy and hugging him but also bringing him up the stairs.

Phil didn't know why, maybe because he was young? Whatever? But he trusted them, instinct maybe.

Whatever it was, they weren't bad people, surely. Right? They can't be, especially the one who is holding him, they were so quick to help, so what's so bad?

As the person brought Phil up the stairs, he noticed the pig-like tail, and the pig ears. 



Phil's first thought was,

'You're like me.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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