All Too Familiar

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It was late afternoon, or maybe it was morning. Perhaps midnight. I hadn't been too careful in managing my schedules, I stared at the pile of not so appealing homework I had yet to do. It was probably never going to get done. I honestly didn't care, I didn't mind the confrontations with my teachers about how I was falling apart or how I needed to try harder. They clearly didn't care about me and it made me laugh.
It had been about 3 months — then again maybe 6 — since my mother was put into prison. Convicted of murder. I knew she did it, even though she swore she hadn't. She lied to try and protect me, like I care, she's just as bad as all of them. I was now practically an orphan, Dad was dead — bet you can't guess who made that happen — and Mom was gone. Hopefully forever. I was forced to live with Chief Baxter, a man who had played a big role in putting my mother away. I didn't hate him for that, but I was damn near close.
The worst part was his son, Ethan Baxter. A guy who tormented me throughout grade school and his friends still occasionally did. He treated me differently than before, but I'm willing to bet it's because his dad made him. So most can imagine why I've given up trying to try, I live with a man who made me parentless and his son, who hates me and would probably pull a mother dearest if he could.
I never loved my father, y'know. He was just kinda there..and even then, he wasn't there. He walked out on us when I was like 10. He found a younger and better looking lady and forgot all about us, his family slipped out of the picture. I don't  blame him, I was and frankly still am a brat. And Mother Dearest was pathetic, a gross, controlling, overbearing alcoholic. I didn't miss either of them.
     Suddenly I returned from the city of self pity as Mrs. Baxter called for me. "Leo?!" She hollered. I sighed, gathering my homework into my book bag. I slung it over my shoulder and got up from the dark brown circular dining table. I wondered into the living room, and there she was. She was tall and thin with long dark hair and eyes that could pierce your soul if she wanted them to. Her lips were sharp, a silver sting about them. The very way she existed sent shivers down the spines of those unaware of her ability to fright.
     Her soul was a different story, she was kind and loving to those she got close to, yet a "devilish temptress" to strangers. I still laughed in my head when I heard Chief Baxter describe her that way, it was hilarious.
     "Oh! There you are." She said in a sing song voice, her voice. Oh her voice. It made me feel safe, like honey dripping from a hive or orange and red leaves blowing in the wind. A dark burgundy tone that only a mother could have.
     "I'm making breakfast, hon. Just wondering if you wanted any?" She said, considerately. I opened my mouth in an attempt to speak but was cut off by yet another burgundy voice. Ethan. His burgundy was different, it wasn't warm or kind or soft. It was annoying and cold and judgmental.
     "He's probably going out with his friends." He said, dragging out the friends as if to say that I couldn't possibly have friends. I rolled my eyes, not wanting trouble, I kept silent.
     "Actually I was gonna go out with my friends for breakfast, sorry." I lied through my teeth. I didn't have friends, and I wasn't going to eat. Ethan knew that I knew he knew that, but he never actually said anything too incriminating.
     "Oh, alright. Have a good time, hon. Eat well, but not too much cause you've got that running thing today and you don't stomach food too well." She smiled softly. What running thing? How did she know I have a weak stomach? I've never eaten a meal I front of them..
     "Yeah, she's got a point, L. You could hear the yacking and vomit from down the hall!" The annoying brunette laughed. I forgot about that, my gym class was right after lunch and I vomited my guts out mid class. I gave him the side eye and clenched my fists. He no doubt told that to Mrs. Baxter with a smile on his face. They had to change my schedule so that I had lunch way after gym.
     I walked a upstairs, slipped my shoes on — which were in the hallway, for no reason in particular — and walked down and out the front door.
     "Bye!!" Mrs. Baxter hollered from the living room. I raised my arm up, along with my hand in a makeshift wave and went out. I decided a while ago that I'd probably just go to the movies or something, I wasn't hungry but I hadn't eaten in nearly 3 days. I heard somewhere online to at you could survive like 21 days without food or something and though it was probably wrong, might as well test it, right?
     Then I remembered, it was a school day.. I can't go out! What am I, crazy?! I already had my bags and my shoes on so I just booked it, I had no idea what time it was but it might me nearly time for school, and I didn't care if Ethan was late or not so I didn't tell him. That jerk wasn't my responsibility.
As I ran down the street, a dog got riled up and it started to chase me. I ran faster trying to outrun the dog, I turned my head back to see that it was actually two dogs. A feeling of anger and self pity filled my stomach, leaving an all to familiar feeling.

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