Third Period

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It was third period, gym class. Ethan was late to school, which was my bad but who cares. We were running, Mrs. Baxter was right. Good thing I didn't eat. The teacher guided us out to the track, the classic orange-pink concrete with those numbers that didn't mean much to me. Mostly because I knew nothing about track.
"Alright, get into teams of two!" The gym teacher yelled. I looked around, right to left and practically spun around looking for someone who wasn't taken or a jerk. There were no options. Then, I felt a slap on my ass. What the hell? I turned around, it was Ethan.
"Hey, Leo!" He said in a weird voice. "Looks like you're all alone again." The brunette grinned, his eyes piercing mine. "Don't worry, I've gotcha," he murmured in my ear. His breath was hot and it felt at home on my skin. Dancing around my neck like poison gas, a mere centimetre away from killing me altogether. I shivered..gross...definitely gross.. I forgot he was moved to this class. I shivered again, I don't really know why. This was going to be bad.
"Why would I want to team with you?" I rolled my eyes, my arms crossed lazily.
"Cause otherwise the teacher's gonna pair you with someone who's gonna bully you like old times." He smirked, his sharp teeth showing proudly. His eyes were a yellowish-red, not in colour, but in intent. He knew I wasn't going to protest. His eyes were red hot with the ecstasy of power. He knew what I thought before I thought it. I looked around the room, desperately searching for a face that was inviting. I saw Gwen. She used to be my friend, I forgot she was in this class too, my mind tends to wander when I'm supposed to be paying attention. She had been my other half for years, but after my mother was put away I never heard another word come from her lips.
     "Chill out." Ethan whined, grabbing my wrist. "It's a damn foot race or whatever." I looked at Gwen like a lost puppy. She didn't see me.
     "Fine." I gave up. We got in lines to wait for our turns. The wind was blowing a warm sheet through the air, blowing past my face in an oddly familiar way. When it was Ethan and I's turn to run, we got in line and Ethan looked at me with bloody intent.
     I swallowed down the lump in my throat, he was making me so damn nervous. The whistle blew. I ran, trying unbelievably hard to stay ahead of Ethan, it seemed the most likely to keep me from dying at his hand. Unfortunately the only sport I'm really any good at is volleyball. Running isn't really my thing.
Ethan quickly came ahead of me, running with a smile. It was like that for a good ten seconds until he slowed down. We were side by side when I looked over again, he looked me up and down. Then, he leaned over and nudged me with his whole body, I tripped over his shoe and fell to the pavement. He continued to run and passed the finish line as I sat there, rubbing the back of my head in plain stupid confusion.
The coach ran up to me and so did Ethan. "You okay?" The coach asked. I nodded my head, shifting it to look at Ethan. He smiled at me with a look as to say that he knew what he did. I got up and fell back down. My leg must've been screwed up. I didn't feel anything though, which was the weirdest part of it all.
"Ugh." Ethan rolled his eyes at me. "Now this is my problem! Great.Why do you gotta be so fragile?"
"Ethan!" The gym teacher yelled. "Just drag him off the field and stop belittling him."
"Fine." Ethan rolled his eyes and sighed. He scooped me up and I pushed away from him, landing on my back in the middle of the track.
"I'll walk." I said. He looked annoyed.
"That's fine, let me help you though." He said, grabbing my hand gingerly and lifting me to my feet. I was hesitant. He rested my arm around his shoulder and started walking. I hopped along with him till we got off the track. He sat me down on the bench and walked over to one of his friends.
This was my chance, I slid on the bench to the far side away from him. I got up and walked as best as I could to the back doors of the gym. My leg didn't hurt but Im not really sure why. I pushed open the door with a creak that seemed impossibly loud. I hope Ethan didn't hear that..
I crept into the gym, the lights were off. I walked — or really hopped — to the boys locker room where they had benches and towels and the nice warm showers. I went over to my locker and sat down on the bench.
The room was fading into a blurry white picture. My head was bobbing around unable to be properly supported by my neck. This kind of thing happened to me often so it didn't really concern me. Until that is, when I slipped out of consciousness. My head hit the bench and I felt that pain before I fully passed out. I had always been one to easily pass out or faint. I wouldn't say I'm weak, but other people would.
The silence faded as noise began to flood my ears. I shot up from my laying position and found myself surrounded by boys in gym uniforms not paying any attention to me. I looked directly in front of me last — which should have been the first place I looked, but my instincts aren't ever typical — where I found Ethan. His dark fluffy hair covering his eyes for the most part, masking his poor intentions. I was still on the bench, his legs on top of mine, straddling the bench. A look of smug ignorance and fake concern swept over his face.
"There's Killer Boy." He smiled with sharp and dangerous looking teeth. I wasn't even mad anymore, just confused. I had forgotten I passed out. "How was your nap? Are you feeling better now?" He asked in an impression which seemed to be of Mrs. Baxter. His tone was meant for ridicule, not comfort. I remembered then that I had been unconscious, apparently for like twenty minutes or so. I tried to move my legs, but Ethan wasn't going to budge.
"Get off." I said quietly, surprised when he heard me.
"No.. I don't think I will just yet." He said, his eyes now completely blocked by his hair. I knew he was enjoying this new way to piss me off, which made it that much more annoying.
"Hey, Ethan!" A boy walked up to us, his smile shifting to confusion as he looked at the way I was trapped on the bench. "Oh." He paused. "Are you okay, Leo?"
"He's fine." Ethan butted in. "Anyways, did'ja need something?" He asked innocently.
"Oh, yeah I did actually. Bruce said he wanted to talk to you later. Y'know... like talk talk.." I didn't really know what that meant, but it was Ethan so probably nothing good. I looked back to Ethan, he rolled his eyes as if he couldn't be bothered.
"This is gonna be so pointless." Ethan exaggerated, jerking his head back and scoffing at the ceiling. He looked back at me and squeezed my face with his hand. "Later, then?" He said jokingly to me, a smile on his face as he got up. He started walking out of the room as the boy followed him. I scoffed, who gave him the right? I laid my head back on the bench and closed my eyes. Soon, I was asleep surrounded by all the boys running through and grabbing this and that. The sounds of hollering were comforting, something I miss. I drifted away, sinking into the sound, letting it overtake me. Then I was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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