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I play a little tune on the drums, testing them out for the first time
Wow. I'm in love
I smile looking around my finally finished room

Then someone knocks on my door
I put down my sticks and stand up
Bryce peeps his head in before walking in and looking around
Bryce: woah, this room has really changed. You must be exhausted
I laugh
He smiles when he sees the drums
Bryce: i knew you would like them
Me: really?
I smile
Bryce: well no but josh did, which makes me feel like a terrible brother if he know when you met him 24 hours earlier...
He bits his lip
I laugh and pull him into a hug
Me: thank you
Bryce: your welcome, anyway some of us are going to the hype house if you wanna come
Me: maybe next time I'm quite tired, and i really wanna try out my drums some more
I grin
Bryce chuckles and walks out the room
Bryce: at least I'll be at the hype house so i don't hear loud banging
Me: it's called music!
I shout as he walks down the hall

I fall back on my bed sighing
I sit back up after a minute and look around for my phone that's on the bed
I pick it up and go on to see I've been added to a sway group chat

Josh: is that iz?
Bryce: yep
Kio: hi iz!
Jaden: she's at target
Quinton: aren't you there? 😏
Jaden: 🙄
Bryce: have i missed something?

I laugh as i see Quinton harassing Jaden

Jaden: what you laughing about
I jump when i see Jaden there
Me: seriously, stop doing that
I grab a pillow and throw it at him
He chuckles and catches it

He look around my room
Jaden: wow.
He walks over to my recording desk running his finger along the edge
Jaden: you must love music
I look down nodding
Jaden: you hungry?
Me: not really
I shrug
Jaden: i never see you eating
He furrows his eyebrows
Me: I've only been here for two day.
Jaden: Mhm. Well i think the boys are getting chick-fil-a
Me: oh, I'll probably just stay up here with my music
Jaden smiles at me
Jaden: play me something?
My cheeks flush pink
Me: i- uh sure yeah
I stand up
Me: pick.
I say looking at my instruments
Jaden: mmm drums
He grins
I smile excited to play my new drums again

I sit down on the stool and get the sticks putting one in each hand
Jaden: wait a second
Jaden grins going out the room
A couple seconds later he comes in with his electric guitar
I smile and start to strum on the drums
After a little while Jaden starts to play on his guitar syncing with the tune
I break into a huge smile as Jaden pretends to jump up and down like a rockstar

After about 30 seconds i end the song laughing
Jaden chuckles putting down his guitar
I get up from the drums and stand in front of jaden
Me: we sound pretty good together
Jaden smirks
Jaden: yeah i guess we do
Me: i kinda wish my electric guitar wasn't smashed up into a million pieces right now..
Jadens smile goes
Jaden: what happened?
Me: oh it's stupid
I look down
Jaden: if it's about you it's not stupid.
Me: i- uh just got into a fight with someone...let's just say someone got a bit to angry
I hit my lip
Jaden: oh...I'm sorry

I look away at a wall
Me: it's ok.

After a bit of silence Jaden look around
Jaden: Bryce said you played ukulele?
Me: oh yeah Uhm
I scan my room
Me: shit
I start to rummage until i see jaden pull something from under my bed
He stands up
Jaden: this it?
He grins holding a ukulele case
Me: thank you
I go to take it but Jaden reaches his arm out the other way smirking
Me: jaden
I try to get it but he holds it up high
He chuckles
I start to jump
Me: give it!
I laugh

Quinton: i see you guys have bonded quickly
Quinton says leaning on the door frame of my room smirking
We both stop and look at him
I roll my eyes
Jaden: your small.
Jaden looks down at me laughing as he hands me the ukulele case
Me: I'm not that small!
I lean my ukulele case against the wall next to my guitar that's hung up
Quinton: it's like I'm not even here.
Jaden turns to Quinton annoyed
Jaden: then don't be here.
Quinton puts his hands up in defence
Quinton: just came to say we've ordered chin-fil-a, but I'll give you guys a room now.
I send a death glare at him as he backs out into the hallway

What the hell am i doing?
I have two perfect boys in one house, and I'm literally spending time with one or the other...

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