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It's 12pm the next day and y/n is getting ready to go on a walk with Mason.

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Liked by @masonmount and 725,632 others@y/ntaylor going back to the beach😊❤️

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Liked by @masonmount and 725,632 others
@y/ntaylor going back to the beach😊❤️

@jackgrealish- You live at the beach man😭


@y/ntaylor- Omg ik😅

@masonmount- With me hehe


@y/ntaylor- Ofcc!!

@maurahiggins- We made a deall😘😘


@y/ntaylor- Today, promise

@user600- Omg what was the deal!!!!

@user0147- If Mason and Y/n don't get together I will literally cry

@user2333- plz get with Mason

@masonxy/nship- I ship y/n and mase so hard
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You and Mason are just walking along the beach back and forth. You are chatting about life and your backgrounds.

"Urm y/n.."

"Yeah mase?"

"I just need to tell you something."

"Are you okay?"

"Urm yeah, y/n I like you and I mean I really like you and I just needed to tell you becuase I can't hide it anymore.."

That summer ~ 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝Where stories live. Discover now