Chapter one

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(hey guys, english isnt my first language so i am sorry for any spelling or grammar mistkes, i will write this story for fun so idk when i will update cause it will not be regularly, but i hope you enjoy the story and please give me feedback if you want)

it is a cold winter morning as Brendon is walking down the streets of his hometown. His hands are in his coat and his eyes are looking on the ground as he is in thoughts "i hate to go to work this early in the morning" he whispers to himself and sighs as he walks to the music shop which he owns. he opens the shop and is stepping in, hanging his coat on a hanger in the back and then coming back to the front to sort some of the vinyls he sells there. the day is boring, not many customers are coming in, even though christmas is in a few days. As the day passes, the young man is cleaning the shop and helpig customers if they need anything. soon it s evening and he is counting the money and going in the back of the shop to get his coat. he takes a last look around the music shop before he turns all the lights off and closes the store for the day. he makes his  way into the city to get some groceries. as he walks though the city, he sees all the christmas stuff which makes him a little sad "another christmas all alone" he thinks as he gets into the supermarket to get something for dinner this evening. as he has everything he needs, the man gets to the register to pay for his food before he gets out of the market again and to the park to eat. he sits on a bench a little further from other people so that he has peace and is now eating his sandwich and remembers that he has to go to the bank to get some money, so after he ate he gets up, throws his trash away and makes his way to the bank. a few minutes of walking later, the brown haired man arrives at the bank and gets inside, its cozzy warm and he looks around for the ATM and gets to it, he has to wait behid a tall man with brown hair. Bredon is watching the man infront of him getting his money out of the machine with no hurry in the world and as the man turns around he looked at Brendon and smiled for a brief moment before his expression turned into fear. Brendon didnt quiet get why the man was petrified and then looked around himself as he saw three men with weapons raiding the bank "everyone on the ground" one of the men shouted around and Brendon got on the ground as the tall man who smiled a few seconds ago does the same. The both of them are watching the men robbing the bank and they can hear police sirens far away and Brendon beginns to Panick as the robbers are getting people to the windows as a human shield. the taller handsome man notices the smaller one panicking and now getting closer to him "hey, i'm Dallon, who are you?" Dallon whispers and smiles a little bit and hopes to comfort Brendon a little bit but Brendon sits there hyperventilating and silent crying and looks him in the eyes "i'm...Brendon" he answers the taller manwhich just nods "hey brendon,listen, i know this is a really messed up situation,but please calm down,just try and breath with me " Dallon whispers in a soft voice and looks Brendon in the eyes as he speaks,but brendon just cant do it and sits there, no word is coming out of him and he feels like somebody is squeezing his throat as he rings for air to fill his lungs. Dallon watches whats happening with Brendon and then looks to the men which are filling their bags with the money in the safe. Dallon doesnt think about what he's doing and just gets over to Brendon to pat his back a little bit "Hey Brendon, please look at me" he tells the sobbing man who is slowly turning his head to him, still fighting for air and scared for his life. "it is going to be okay" the taller one says "please try to calm down, i will help you and then we are going to get out of here" Dallon tells him in a calm voice and his words are finaly working and brendon is slowly calming down and breathing deeply in again and after a few minutes Brendon is calm again and looks at Dallon "thank you" he whispers and is sitting with Dallon against the Wall. The Time goes by and the two men are the only ones left in the bank, all the other people are standing against the windows as human shields and the robbers didnt noticed the two men "Dallon i'm scared, i don't want to die" Brendon tells the taller man who just nods "me neither" he aswers as one of the men comes towards them "who do we have here?" the man asks with an evil smile and brendon is panicking again and Dallon just swallows and then stands up "let us go! we did nothing wrong and can't you see how scared everybody is?!" Dallon shouts angry at the man who doesn't say anything else, just grabs his weapon and shoots Dallon in the shoulder. The Tall man is going down on his knees and Brendon flinches at the bang of the weapon. Dallon cries out in pain and lies bleeding on the floor as Brendon is crawling to him "Dallon! can you hear me?" Brendon asks as Dallon is closing his eyes slowly and all Brendon can hear are the voices of the Police officers and swat teams outside the building coming.

(i hope you enjoyed the first Chapter of my new story)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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