two. reminiscences and regrets

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FUCKING HELL. MEMORIES from last night ran through her mind. How could she have been so dumb to let her anger get the best of her? Easy, she wasn't thinking straight, because if she was, she would've told her impulsive side to shut it.

She grimaced in embarrassment as images of his barf soaked clothes and the look of pure annoyance and rage on his face popped up in her thoughts. God, if only she could go back.

A trail of pangs resonated through the bus as she repeatedly banged her forehead against the window, self-punishing herself. "How idiotic could you possibly be?" Tzuyu grumbled to herself as she slumped down into her seat.

Now all she could wish for was to never see that man again, because if she did, she'd probably dig her own grave and lay in it voluntarily.

How small could her world possibly be to meet that man again, right? There was no way. At least, that's what Tzuyu repeatedly told herself to calm down all her nerves.

The bus came to a halt and the driver's voice boomed, signaling it was her time to get off. Dragging her feet, she stepped off the bus lost in her thoughts.

An overwhelming force drove Tzuyu's posture to slouch while slightly bending her knees. Startled, Tzuyu glanced up to see a girl with a blonde bob.

"Chaeyoung, you scared the living daylights out of me." Tzuyu sighs relieved it wasn't some creep trying to kidnap her.

"You looked like you were just reincarnated while you were walking out from the bus. What were you thinking about?" Chaeyoung asked, slipping off her arm from around Tzuyu's neck, allowing her to stand up straight.

One thing was sure, Tzuyu had no intention of telling Chaeyoung about any of this. She didn't even want to entertain the memory any longer. All she wanted was to forget about it and last night all together.

"Nothing, just about my classes." Tzuyu replied.

"We really need to go and get drunk together. You're always cooped up in your apartment with those god forsaken textbooks." Chaeyoung groaned, dragging Tzuyu towards their university.

That was one thing that was not going to happen. Tzuyu promised herself as she woke up this morning that she would never go near another bottle of alcohol for as long as she was alive.

The walk to the entrance of the university was short and full of the two friends recalling their weekends to one another in which Tzuyu said that she was just studying all weekend. It would've been true of every other week except this week.

As they pass the large gated entrance into the big open lawn buzzing with students, professors, and everyone in between, one of their close friends swooped in behind them sliding her arms around their neck. "Have you guys heard?"

"Heard what?" Tzuyu asked puzzled, turning to glance at the perky and smiley girl. Park Jihyo had the biggest heart on campus. She never stopped trying to spread cheeriness. Too much of something is never good and at times this applied to her and her pep.

"There's a new professor on campus!" Jihyo exclaimed. "A math professor, in place of Mr. Song!" Mr. Song was a math professor, until last week that is, when he was fired for sleeping with female students for "extra credit". Safe to say, he won't be in the teaching scene any longer.

"I'm so glad that creep was gone. I knew there was something off about him." Chaeyoung huffed. "I hope the new professor will lay off on the homework. I'm drowning in my studies."

Tzuyu nodded in agreement as she walked side by side along her two friends. The three girls continued their walk across campus to their math class. The girls had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to schedule this class together.

Befriending people did not come easily to Tzuyu. Saying hi was easy, her problem lies in what to say afterwards. Thankfully, she was lucky enough to find friends who didn't mind doing all the talking.

Chaeyoung rambled on about this blind date she had gone on yesterday. Apparently the guy had gone on and on about his ex the whole date and proceeded to ask when their next date should be. Chaeyoung was flabbergasted to say the least.

The three of them were so immersed in conversation they hadn't realize they had already reached their destination. Jihyo pushed open the door gently with Chaeyoung following behind her. As Tzuyu stepped inside, she froze.

Tzuyu blinked profusely convincing herself if she blinked enough the man would just disappear. That indeed did not happen. After what felt like an eternity, she scrambled back outside, the door shutting close behind her. Her back was to the door.

"Holy shit, isn't he the guy from the bar last night?" She mumbled to herself, clenching tightly onto the books in her arms. This could not be happening. What are the chances that she would bump into the same guy twice in a matter of days? No fucking shot.

"And your new math professor." A low husky voice announced behind her. She winced in discomfort, clutching onto her books tighter causing her knuckles go white. This was definitely happening.

Slowly, Tzuyu turned around with a weak smile plastered on her face, not daring to meet his eyes or look at him for that matter. "And you must be Ms..."

"Chou Tzuyu." She answered weakly. To say she was embarrassed right now would be an understatement. She was absolutely mortified. She couldn't even remember how she got home last night, which meant there was a god-knows-how-long gap of time for her to harass him and embarrass herself even further. And with that much alcohol in her system, she was willing to bet her puking on him was not the last thing she did wrong last night.

Before he could react, she scurried past him through the doors with her head hung low. Apparently, her world was fucking tiny.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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