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Hey guys this is going to be a third person pov like a narrator is saying it :))

° Friday morning °

Katsuki comes from a wealthy and rich family but little do they know its not all sunshines and rainbows ...

Bakugou Katsuki

Age : 17

Quirk : Explosion

School : UA high school

Height : 5'8

School grades : A's and B's

You see , even tho he has such a luxurious life his parents were ehhh... That's for another time . Katsuki has always been different , from making friends to playing with classmates . He never really is understood it in a way but there was a little thing that made Katsuki feel so overjoyed , plants .

Plants somehow always found away into little Katsuki's heart , he loved every thing about them so did his childhood " friend " Izuku Midoriya . Izuku was the complete opposite of Katsuki
he loved making friends loved playing with them and overall he had a pretty good life compared to Katsuki , even tho he didn't have a lot of money he still has a great life

Izuku Midoriya

Age : 17

Quirk : One For All

School : UA high school

Height : 6'1

School grades : A's and B's

" KATSUKI ! COME DOWN YOU BRAT " " Yes , mother ... "
Poor Katsuki , his parents will always tell at him for not being up to your expectations or just for fun . Right now he didn't wash the dishes " properly " and is probably getting beaten by his mom . Now let's take a look at his everyday life from morning to night , shall we .. ?

In the morning

Right now it's 6:00 in the morning and Katsuki has to go get ready for school now . After he gets ready , its 6:15 and then he goes down to get breakfast before his parents come down . His parents doesn't like Katsuki to eat much since they want him to be skinny causing Katsuki to have Body Dimorphia , he usually leaves at 6:30 since his parent don't like to look at him in the morning or at all .. Let me give you more information about Katsuki when he goes to school , he weighs atleast 77 pounds and has a beautiful voice and face , he has a body of a female which causes him to be insecure . Oh ! We're already here come on !

Katsuki's the best in his class but of course that's not good enough for his parents , " Hey Kacchan ! " " What .. " " Do you want to come talk ? " " No thank you .. " " Ok ? " This is an example Katsuki isn't the most talkative person , which is fine of course . Now let's get going because he has class now .


Its now the afternoon , and Katsuki has a very special place that he goes to every single time , you see there's this garden in the middle of UA no one really goes there because they wanna talk with friends and hangout during they're 40 min break which is optional . Katsuki likes to stay here during break and free periods where they get to go out , Katsuki has never really liked the real world he always liked to dream about where his life wasn't so bad and where kids wouldn't call him " nerd " " spoiled brat " " rich kid " " monster " " faggot " " fat " " gay idiot " and without being judged ... Katsuki really likes to day dream so let's see what is he thinking about .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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