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Shiyeon is obviously flustered and taken aback by that kiss we just shared. I am too, but I'm just good at hiding my emotions.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting myself to go in and kiss her.. but, seeing that dude hit on her made me so angry inside, my body reacted before my mind did.

I hope she's not upset or mad at me for kissing her. I was only trying to help her get that bastard away from her, but I'd understand if she was against the kiss; I kind of just suddenly grabbed her face and kissed her.

She DID kiss me back, though. I had my hands on her cheeks and she put her arms around my neck, and I felt her lips kiss mine back.

I definitely felt butterflies in my stomach when that happened. I feel like the happiest guy in the world right now, but then again, that kiss didn't really actually mean anything or define anything for us... which is sad for me, but on the bright side, I helped her with a creepy dude trying to get in her pants and that's all that matters to me.

I'm gonna think about that kiss for the rest of the night, though. I hate to admit it, but I loved the feeling of her lips and my lips connected. It gave me electric sparks throughout my whole body and I couldn't feel any more lighter.

She really does something to me, and I can't determine what it is.

I'm not like my usual self when she's around. I'm always so careless and arrogant with other girls, but there's a completely different side to me when Shiyeon's with me. I never care about girls; at all. I flirt with them, but I really could give a less shit about what happens to them.

But with Shiyeon.. I actually care about her.

Isn't that crazy?

I care about a girl who I barely even know that well, a girl who probably hates my guts to death secretly.

Yet I kissed her, she kissed me back, and I liked it.

What is she doing to me?

I'm afraid Jay will get mad if he finds out I kissed her. They're just best friends, sure, but he's super overprotective when it comes to Shiyeon. Like, more than an older brother would be. He cares a lot about her and doesn't want her to get hurt, and he knows my past history with girls and how I broke their hearts. I'm not sure how he will react.

When I say he's protective over Shiyeon, I mean he's PROTECTIVE over her. He knows all about her love life and she knows all the guys she talks to and interacts with, he knows everything about her. Whenever there's a creep looking at her weirdly, he'll casually tell that dude to fuck off without paying no mind. Whenever Shiyeon interacts with any dude even if it's platonic, he makes sure that the guy has no bad or creepy intentions.

It's admirable and understandable, honestly. They've been friends for a while and he's seen her super fucked up in the past. They care about each other a lot, and I understand that.

I'm just hoping Shiyeon won't say anything, and most importantly, I'm hoping she isn't mad at me for kissing her.

For right now, I'll just pretend like nothing happened. She doesn't look angry or upset; she just looks really red and flustered.

Gosh, her lips are so soft.


Jake and I went back downstairs, luckily a lot of people moved outside instead of inside on the first floor, so it wasn't as packed.

"I'm gonna get a drink. You can go over to the guys first." I tell Jake.

He visibly hesitates, but eventually nods and listens to me, walking over to the guys. I can't help but notice Jay and how weirdly attractive he looked while chugging down his fruit punch. His jawline and his smile, the way he carries himself tonight was super attractive to me.

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