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5 years later

3rd person POV

"G I brought you steamed buns for dinner" gulf said as he entered Gina's cell with a smile

"Thank you gulfie" she smiled as they both sat at the table eating and talking

"Thank you gulfie" she smiled as they both sat at the table eating and talking

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"Nong you're going today right" Gina asked while drinking her tea

"Yes" gulf said as he ate his food

"Wait here" gina said before she set her bun down and went to her bed and dug under her pillow

"What is this" gulf asked looking at the necklace

"What is this" gulf asked looking at the necklace

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Gina has white side gulf has black side


I made it it's necklaces for us" she smiled

"Whoa is that why you asked for the things" gulf asked and gina nodded her head

"Remember don't take it off na it'll give you good luck" Gina said and gulf smiled while nodding his head before he hugged her

"I have to go now before tong comes and gets me I'll see your tomorrow" gulf smiled while kissing her forehead

"Hm be safe" she said and gulf nodded his head waving his hand as he left the cell

The people locked it behind him as he left

"Pa how is she" gulf asked as he entered his father's room

"She is fine now just sleeping" his father said and gulf smiled

Gulfs father ended up re-marrying someone who he fell in love with 3 year ago

"I came to tell you that I have to go now" gulf said and his father sighed

"Who gave you that" his father smiled

"Gina" gulf cheesed playing with the necklace 

"Really" his father asked

The King's Emperor {Mewgulf} *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now