chapter 8: into the studio

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It's been a few mouths since splodge made her first apearents. I had started to heel up again and I got told I could go into the studio. I was getting ready to go, packing my bag and stuff. I was packing extra cloths and devices just for stuff. I had got given a phone by my dads as an early birthday present. I packed that took. I grabbed splodge and ready to go. Gaster was paking my medical stuff for me. I know how to use it but he was coming with.

I was readying a story about splodge X bendy oh wattpad. It was really Romanic, and a bit sinful, but in my words 'there isn't a good story without a little bit of sins.

I heard a new knock on the door. Gaster opened it.
"Hello, I'm here for Emily gamazon." It was Henry. I waved at him and grabbed my bag.
"Hi mr Henry, I'm all read to go." I said with pure excitement.

Henry has visited a few time before so I have gotten to know him a bit.

"Please Emily call me henry, you don't have to call me mr." He said. He was quite perlite. "Any way let's get going I have our car waiting. You coming with mr." Gaster nodded in agreement.

We got into a fancy looking car which I could tell wasn't his, most likely Joey's. I got front seat. He had but warmer as well. Hit as been almost 3 years since I've been in a car, this was going to be awesome.
"Do you want to pick the music Emily?" He asked. I nodded and put on a playlist of game and cartoon songs. Fnaf, Minecraft, cup head, and bendy were the best ones. I was humming a long while reading my story. I wached as we went onto the motorway. I wached the cars wizz by us. I started to imagen I was in a race vs Mario sonic and crash- bandicoot .

I slowly nodded off and I knew it was going to be a long journey.

Once again i was in inkwell. I was with the questers but was in a small village. And it was a parade. Hundreds of small pink and blue bunny's hopped around dancing along. I didn't understand what was going on but then I saw Micky mouse. I was so amazed. He even waved at me. Then there was someone I haven't seen before but somehow I knew him somewhere. Some of the small bunny kids pulled felix into the show. He got quite embarrassed. The new guy was a tall ish bunny, quite Hanson. He did a magic trick with felix. By making him diapear. It was so cool.

After the parade had finished we hedded to a big house outside the village. We saw mickie mouse and me and boris ran over.
"Boris! It's been a while, and who's this cutie?" Mickie asked. Looking at me if I was a child.
"Yo mickie, this is splodge. She is the newest member of our group." Said as Mugs joined in.
"Well isnt she a cutie pie!" Mickie said patting her head.

"She's bendy's girlfriend~" cup said. Mickie was shocked.
"S sorry there! I t thought you was a kid! How old even are you?"

"16 AND amazing~"bendy said putting his arm around me. I felt a blush spear on my face. It was really a dream come ture. Felix had came back a bright red.

"Awww did you get a kissy from your bunny boyfriend!" Cup jocked. He face turned even more red.

"H he's n not m my b b boyfriend." He stuttered. We all knew it was a lie. Then the bunny magician apred behind felix. "m Mr ozzy! H hi!" He smiled at fleix.

I was suddenly woken up.
"Rise and shine sleeps beauty. We are here." It was henry. "Did you have a good sleep, you went bright red at one point?"

I just nodded. The studio was so big. But then I heard something.
"I'm sorry but I can't do the voise anymore. It's getting in the way of my own life."
"But!" The girl stormed off. Joey was pissed.

"What's going on joey?" Henry askes.
"Well splodges voice actor just walked out on us. So we will need a new voice for her."Joey yelled.

"Could I voice asked for her." I asked. Joey looked at me. I could tell he wasn't expecting me.
"You sure. You your are considered ill. Will that be ok?" Henry said consumed.

"Well I have no official GCSES, as long as I get paid, why not?" I said. They looked very happy. Joey nodded..
"Well then Emily. Looks like your our new splodge voise. We will need to edit the official cuts but yes. We can start now."

"How much will she get paid?" Gaster askes.

"Quite a lot. Its a well paid job." Henry said as we made our way inside..

Instantly I was taken to a sound proof room to test the mic. It was so much fun..cuz I was using a higher pitch then my normal on it kina hurt. It was getting late and we had to Finnish. Over all I made over £1000. I was over the moon. They was going to edit it over the old splode voice.

Once I got home I massage my dad's about it..then i saw a massage from an unknow number. I looked at it.

'Hello punkin, it's me, your mum. I was wondering how you was doing.' I just ignored it.. I will have to come back to it at a later day. I snugged into bed with my toys and fell state to sleep. I couldn't wait to tell the boys about this.

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