A deep hole - chapter 2

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Ra began to walk north and pippin slowly followed. When ra noticed how far behind he was she stopped and shouted to him ‘hurry up you snail otherwise it’ll be dark before we get home! And you don’t want that’ with that pippin began to run to catch up with her.  The forest was an hour’s walk away from Hobbiton but Ra and pippin talked about the most random stuff to pass the time. Ra showed pippin some of the pictures she had drawn in her sketch pad. She had a sketch of what her old village looked like and another one of the old waterfall that stood alone at the borders. Pippin was fascinated at her talent. ‘I can’t do anything really’ he laughed. Ra didn’t seem convinced. ‘You’re good at stealing stuff’ she frowned at him and he scratched his head while pulling a face. pippin knew that he wanted to know more about her, but he just couldn't understand why. would she thik he was pushy if he asked her more? would it freak her out? All the thinking made his head hurt. They reached a small river which ran through a tiny ravine.‘Where d’you suppose this comes from?’ said pippin confused. Ra scooped up some water in her hand, it glistened in the sun but it had an odd texture to it. It looked bright blue when it dropped through her fingers. ‘I have no idea’ she said shaking her hands to get rid of the extra water on her hands. ‘Want to find out?’ he asked smiling at her. Ra laughed before saying, ‘you know me well, of corse I do!’ she and pippin both began to follow the river, un-aware that the water that ra had shaken of her hand had hit the ground and formed into small droplets of diamond.

The sun was high in the sky and the wind had settled when pippin and ra reached a hole in the ground. The ‘water’ was flowing heavily from it and was a deep blue in colour. Behind the hole stood a bare silver birch tree, it had no leaves, no birds. In fact, it looked quite dead. ‘oh... that’s a nice tree.’ Pippin said admiring it. Ra looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He did the same to her. After a moment of silence they both burst out laughing. Ra took a chance, got on her knees and put her head in the hole. ‘what do you see?’ pippin asked her, crouching down next to her. Ra pulled out her head, she had a puzzled expression on her face. ‘What? What’s wrong?’  Pippin said. Ra put her head in the hole again. A few seconds later she shouted up to pippin, ‘ you will not believe this!’ she shot backwards, scaring pippin, causing him to fall back into the river. ‘great. I’m soaked!’ he complained shaking his head. Ra tried to contain her laughter, she really did. But after a few seconds she began to laugh. After she’d finished laughing, she helped pippin to his feet. He brushed himself down and looked at his cloak, which was drenched in the blue water. ‘what was it you saw anyway?’ he asked looking round at her. Ra pulled a strange face indicating him to look himself. What pippin saw was confusing and hurt the logic of his mind. The blue river was flowing upwards out of the hole. It ran up and out of the hole, but that wasn’t the most intriguing thing. There was a wooden ladder all down the side of the hole. It went down and down and then disappeared into the darkness.  ‘bloody hell!’ he cursed. ‘where does it end?’ Ra shouted to him. Pippin reached out for the ladder and crabbed onto it with both hands. He felt Ra grab his legs ‘Pippin?!’ he smiled to himself, ‘Ra I’m not falling! I’m going down the ladder’ he laughed up at her. He felt her let go of his legs again and he pulled himself onto the ladder. ‘Pippin, Are you ok?’ Ra asked concerned. ‘yes I’m fine! I didn’t realise you were such a worry pot Ra’ pippin looked up through the hole to see her peering down at him. ‘now are you coming or what?’ Ra scowled at him. ‘alright I’m coming just move out the way otherwise we’ll never fit’ Ra reached down and grabbed the ladder, pulling herself onto it, making sure not to kick pippin in the face. ‘will you hurry up down this ladder pippin! My hands hurt from holding on so long’ Ra complained, looking down at him. Pippin looked around, the hole had gotten bigger and he could see the faint glow of torches that crept up the walls below them. The ladder creaked and Ra watched as the blue water ripple upwards to the hole where they had entered. A few minutes later, they reached the bottom of the hole. Pippin looked up just as Ra jumped down off the ladder, she landed on top of him, ‘sorry’ she winced and looked to see that pippin was face down in the dirt. He coughed dirt from his throat as Ra quickly got to her feet and helped him up. ‘where are we? She asked as she grabbed a torch off the wall. There was another tunnel to the left of them, the water still running along the ceiling. ‘should we follow it? Pippin said curiously, hiding slightly behind Ra. She looked round at him and gulped. ‘I guess so.’ She said as she took a step forward. They continued to walk further into the tunnel, every noise made them jump. A small rat crawled across the floor which made Ra fall back into pippin. She apologised and blushed a little before continuing. Suddenly, Pippin noticed something sparkle in the corner of his eye. He looked down at the floor, his mouth fell open. ‘Ra... do puddles normally glow like that?’ he asked as he pointed towards the damp floor. Ra looked down and saw the floor was covered in small pools of water like the water that was running across the ceiling. She stopped and bent down to look at it closer. She touched the surface on it with her right index finger; it felt like it should be solid. The drop that formed on her finger fell and plunged to the floor. It didn’t split when it hit the floor. The drop stayed together in a tear drop shape that begun to grow duller in the light from the torch. Pippin went to pick it up and held it in his fingers. ’is this what I think it is?’ he said with wide eyes. Ra looked at it in amazement. ‘I do believe it its pippin, that’s a diamond.’ She looked back at the pool and took a step forward, she stood in the centre of it. It felt like it was made of ice but it still rippled. She picked up a few more drops of diamonds which had fallen from the ceiling. ‘Look pippin!’ she held them in her hands but he wasn’t paying attention, he’d seen a cave in the distance. With a smile on her face, she put them in his pockets while he wasn’t looking.  Ra followed pippin, who was letting his curious nature get the better of him. They reached a dark section of the tunnel, where shadows lurked even in torch light. Pippin shuddered and then stopped, letting Ra take over, being the gentleman that he was. She began to feel more relaxed when she realised that they had entered a cave. ‘We’re not that far underground pippin’ she said, pointing to a tiny crack that let fragments of light in through the dark. She leant up towards it to look out of it. ‘holy... it’s night! How long have we been walking?!’ pippin looked at her and shrugged. It began to smell musty in the cave and fact pippin kept poking her and asking where they were didn't help Ra keep her cool.

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