peaceful night

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*in the middle of the night*

"YOU! HOW! I-IMPOSSIBLE!" The assasin said while looking at the white haired girl ,

"Are you done shouting? Or not cause it's really getting on my nerves"

The girl said in a sarcastic tone, her red eyes have become dull and her pupils turn into a pupils that looks like a snake


the assasin beg the girl to let him go, but that only made the girl much annoyed as she is already.

"Have mercy huh? Did you have mercy on me when you plan on assassinating me? If I were a normal person I would have been dead seconds ago"

The girl said. The man clearly knew the girl wouldn't show him any mercy, the girl's eyes wonder off to her big room it was a mess there was blood everywhere and arms of the assasin

"This is a mess"

The girl said quietly, while the girl's eyes were wondering off her bedroom the assasin slowly crawl hoping he can get out of there alive, but his hope was clearly destroyed when the white haired girl unleased her tiger, and said

"Matrix, enjoy your meal!"

The assassin was confuse of what she just said but quickly figure out what she meant.



The man tried to speak but before he can finished the wild beast has already jump for his head. devouring the assassin's body the girl quickly move around her room like she's looking for something, but stop and stared at her door. Muttering something

"Come in"

And with that, her big doors where open and the person was a maid who has Brunette hair and green eyes, she close the door and started walking towards the girl, her eyes held an expression of sadness and worryness

"My lady are you alright!"

The brunette ask the girl, the white haired girl only give a small nod and said

"Lea can you please clean this mess while I go somewhere "

"Yes my lady but may I ask where are you going?"

The brunette woman ask tilting her haid, the white haired girl smile brightly her snake pupil have come back to normal.

"Just paying someone a visit "

The girl said cheerfully, and summoned back her tiger , she turned away from the brunette and headed to her cabinet, grabbing something that's seems like a potion and started walking towards her big door leaving the brunette woman alone.

"Time to meet the male lead" the girl said cheerfully with a smirk on her face

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