sibling's love

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*third person's pov*

Halfway walking in the hallways Aurora who suddenly felt a heavy sleepiness turned back to her room's direction

'in second thoughts the male lead can wait! Sleep is more important!'

She thought yawning no one would believe that the girl who just murdered men minutes ago was now looking goofy, stoping in her front door to be meet with a pleasant sight

The room that had been covered by blood minutes ago was now spotless as if nothing even ocurred in the first place

'as expected of my amazing maid'

The girl thought raising a thumbs up in the air before kicking her heels, jumping in her bed
without seconds she finally lost her consiusness


The blue haired boy cooed sitting at the edge of the poor girl's bed who had only just woke up, oh dear if only he knew how bad she wanted to bury him at that moment

"Sister play with m-"

Before he could finish Aurora's hand unintentional threw a pillow, wanting to shake his head a bit only for the boy to dodge it

"Jeremy don't you have anything else to do"

She bluntly said, Jeremy who could read her expression very well finding the enjoyment tormenting his step sister

"Of course I'm gonna play with you!!"

Jeremy proudly said with a smile only for Aurora's eyes to twitch

'this brat dare to wake me up..."

"Go to sister Roxana"

burriying herself back in her mattress not wanting to deal with the boy who stood in front of her bed looking like a sad pup

"Sister Roxana is busy"

He said sulking, aurora knew what he was playing

'lord if you don't want to take him please just take me'

She thought mentally crying if only she prayed harder

Without seconds she was pulled from her mattress being carried like a sack of potatoes in her brother's arms, being dragged out of her bedroom

"This rascalll!!"

Leah who was Aurora's maid of course didn't miss this sight as she could only bid her master a smile and wave from afar

'you traitor'

"Aren't I amazing!" Jeremy proudly said bragging the beast he just caught to his step sister
The girl who was still wearing her knightgown covered with her brother's coat sat only clapping her hands at the boy

"Yes, yes amazing"

'how dare this brat kidnap me just to show of his ugly pet'

She thought trying to stop the urge from hitting the boy, only for her eyes to be met with the monster they were with

Anyone from the outside would be afraid by the unpleasing creature who looked like a big lizard with it's big eyes

'how crazy'

Averting her gaze to her brother, aurora didn't think she would have a good relationship with anyone especially not Jeremy Agriche

'in the original story he was only close to Roxana the heroine and regarded her as his only sibling even after Roxana left he would still hope for his sister to come back....'

This thought made Aurora feel uneasy after all she had no plans being close with any of them

'he probably only sees me as his plaything'

She felt dull remembering the first time they met


Snapping the girl back from reality, aurora stood up quite immediately leaving Jeremy puzzled by the girls behavior, especially after taking off the coat he gave her putting it in the table

"I should come back"

"What no wai-"

She bowed leaving Jeremy alone with the creature watching her back back disappear

"Did I do something wrong?"

He ask looking at the monster who cowered in fear
Watching the boy took out his dagger

"Was she not pleased with my gift?"

"Yes that must be it"

"I'll just give her a new one"

He said coldly with a sinister smile, dugging the creatures eyes out a pitch scream could be heard throughout the garden, the green leaves was now tinted with pure red.

Servants who was passing by from afar quickly changed there routes afraid they would be the one screaming next

Jeremy however only look at the creature in disgust
Kicking it's lifeless body before wiping the dagger

A wicked smile crept from his face

"I'll just find her a new one"

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