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Roxanne listened to the never ending silence on the left side of the room, she hear the sounds of his heavy breathing to the right of her. Her husband stands far from her to the left of her. His feelings are distraught and filled with anger. As the silence nearly consumed the kitchen, her lover stands next to her, "Please don't tell me that you fell in love with him?" He said.

She stands still, with hot red tears flooding her face, she nodded really slowly. Not saying a word, she knew what the plan was all along but she failed at keeping her word. She just couldn't help herself. She fell in love with her now husband of a good year.

Her husband Michael, shakes his head facing the window, the rain that poured along the windowsill, didn't make the emotions any easier, he loved Roxanne. "How could you do this to me, Roxy! Just how and I want to know right now!" He yelled, slamming his hand on the table.

She jumped at the rage she was facing, she wasn't really supposed to fall in love with him but she couldn't help herself. She hated that she hurt him, she loved him too deep and she hurt him. He's been too good to her and now she betrayed him.

She stuttered while she spoke, "I-I'm sorry Michael..this wasn't supposed to happen!" She yelled with tears, from pain in her heart.

He turned around with a distraught look on his face, "So you get married to me and this is what your fucking boyfriend..? I give you my heart and you take it and acted as though you loved me.." he said with tears coming down his face. He swiped them away quickly but it hurt him too bad.

"Noo.. it didn't happen that way.. at first- it wasn't supposed to happen but now that it did.. I fell in love with you.. I do love you Michael!! Please believe me.. this was a mistake, once I fell in love with you. I forgot about everything.. all if it.. you became something that I could finally hold on to." She sobbed.

"I really don't know what to believe. I mean.. I married a fucking whore, I actually fell in love with a fucking whore.." Michael says.

Her tears brought her to her knees.. her lover looked at her with anger spreading across his face,"Roxanne, you know damn well you remember what the fucking plan was.." Her lover said now looking at Michael,  "She was supposed to marry you and drain your ass dry.. she wasn't supposed to love no fucking body but me.. but she took so damn long... that I had to get strapped to get here.. and boy after a year.. I came just in fucking time." He said as he flashed his gun, that was located in his pants pocket.

"I don't love you anymore Quin, I love Michael." Roxanne finally said.

This is Original Sin
To Be Continued.... Soon.
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