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Roxanne dreaded as the time came close to darkness. She sits on her back porch scoping out the sails of the people, who were coming by ship to deliver items. Her and Quin really didn't lack anything but to her, they lacked so much. Throughout the events, she was awaiting for Quin, who had been gone most of the day and once he returned, he would have her special habit in his hands. She hated that she relied on drugs to be a much happier person but it was deep down in her soul, that she wanted to be free without being found.

She drinks on her cocktail as tonight's event was slowly creeping up for her to be ready, she hated herself. She craved for more in her life but only to fail at succeeding it. Her life meant the world but her love for Quin, meant less to her. "I fuckingcan't believe myself." she said sadly as the sun was just at it lowest peak, getting ready to settle behind the waters. After she sips the last of her cocktail, licking her lips of the last drop, she gets up and heads inside to get prepared.

7:30 pm Later that night...

After her shower, she gets out, dried off and walked inside her bedroom. On her bed, laid a rose along with her drug, already in powdered form waiting for her. Instead of looking at the rose and smiling, she picked up her drug of choice and prepared for the worst ride. With tears in her eyes, she does the same routine, putting the white substance up both nostrils and inhaling it. She paused as her shattered world became brighter and by then she was ready for tonight. However, the drug intake will become much more just to get through the night's events.

After she is ready, she walked downstairs and into the living room. Quin sits with his whiskey talking to the "birthday guy". "Yeah, it will be a success, i hope you will enjoy it. How many of you? Three? Okay we will be there sir and play fair now." He said after he laughs smiling at her as if she was an edible snack without feelings. He hangs up after a kind "Thank you", he stands up, placing his hands on his hips.

"Come here woman and let me look at my girl." He said to her. As the drug already consumes over her body, she smiled evenly. She walked to him holding her arms out for him to hug her. With success, he does. "Baby, tonight is going to be great for us and there is another task for which you will do. I just don't have the details just yet. Make this money for me..for us and I will make sure your body get rest." He said.

As much as she wanted to believe him, she just couldn't. Questions stormed in her head wondering if he really loved her and if she really loved him. She closed her eyes, thinking back to how things used to be way before her drug use and her prolonged loving what ever he was. To each its own, she never could understand why she ended up this way and why she needed Quin. She opened her eyes and broke herself free from the hug, not before he kissed her lips passionately and then it was time to leave.

Almost satisfied with her feelings, she sits inside the car with Quin as they take off through town. As they sit silently as Quin drives, all she sees in him is smiles every now and then. "Do you like my outfit baby?" she asked but she's under the influence. He looks back at her then quickly look back at the road, "Yeah, you look fine, pretty." He said but she wasn't satisfied with that answer. After a few minutes of quietness, they finally pulled up to a rich looking place, the party was already jumping as people were arriving and leaving out. Drinking and laughter filed the area as they parked across the street and Roxanne quickly put two more chucks of powder in her nose, she was full and ready.

"Now, Roxanne. Your name is Zoe and your there to see Mr. Len. He has a pad in the back of his home. If you can't locate him, ask one of his maids for assistance and just make it worth his wild." He says. She takes a deep breath just ready for this to be over with, he plants a kiss on her cheek and she gets out of the car. "I'll be here waiting for you." He said before she crossed the street, walking up the marble stairs and she knocks.

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