No Where to Run

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"Making friends with the fighters now are we?" Jackie asked with a smile from the front seat as they were driving home. Dawn was more than happy to be going home. She was tired and done with this little adventure.

"Something like that." She said, and really wished that Craig would move away from her. He had slid across the seat to sit next to her with an arm around her. He was lightly rubbing her arm, but she wanted him to stop. She did move a bit but he didn't seem to get the hint at all.

"How do you guys feel about just stopping up at the hotel that we passed on the way here? It's like a two hour drive home and I'm not sure I can make the two hour drive home." That was not on her agenda. Dawn was not spending the night with these three, and with Craig's closeness and sudden touchy feely, he would definitely not keep his hands to himself.

"If you want I can drive. Saves us money we just won too." There was a bit of a laugh at her last comment, and that was why she said it. She didn't want to sound like she was being a bitch or something. She just didn't want to sound like that even though she wasn't in the mood for this.

"You know I wouldn't mind switching spots for a bit." Rick said smiling at Jackie who gave him a suggestive look. Okay, if they were switching, then she was going to blast the tunes. She didn't need to listen to her sucking him off or something.

Rick slowed down and Dawn was surprised that he was actually going to switch. She didn't care, she'd drive and pay the speeding ticket if she had to. They were still out in the middle of nowhere and the last car they saw was twenty minutes ago, plus the last house was a few miles back.

"Feeling good to drive?" Craig asked her as he pulled over on the road and she smiled at him.

'Yeah, I'm wide awake." She told him opening the door. The others did as well.

Though Rick did run around the car and catch Jackie around the waist. She gave a slight shout and then laughed. They got in the back as Rick opened the door. Dawn didn't really look at Craig as she went around the front to drive. She did glance back down the road and saw a pair of headlights. She got in because sitting in the middle of the road with a car flying up on them didn't sound like fun.

They got in and she picked up speed quick, she let Craig pick the music to listen too. She didn't care, as long as it drowned out the two in the back. She really hoped that Craig wasn't thinking along those lines, even if they were really just having a rather hot and heavy make out session in the back.

"I'm glad you came along you know. Didn't think you would." Craig finally said to her, she glanced at him.

"It was different than I thought." She gave a smile to him, and he stared at her looking her over. There was interest there, but not from her. She glanced up in the rearview mirror, the headlights from before were a lot closer now. They had to be flying and she wasn't going slow either. But like there was going to be a cop sitting out here at this hour.

He reached over to push some of her hair back from the side of her face and she flinched slightly, and he made a slight sound.

"What's wrong? You seem suddenly standoffish." She glanced at him.

"Sorry, it's just the way I am."

"Just relax, isn't like we aren't friends here." Well they were friends, she was just here as a first timer. Their idea of fun wasn't the same as hers, and she hated to tell him but after tonight she wasn't really looking to continue anything with him. He however seemed to have a different idea.

Dawn glanced in her mirror, but couldn't really see anything because Jackie was pretty much straddling Rick in her view. She had her back to the front so Dawn figured it better to not look in the rear view mirror then.

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