Raised to Fight

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Lucian stood staring at where the woman had disappeared. It seemed that there was a first for everything. He continued to stand there staring right where the woman had gone back in with the unknown male. Whom he had a sudden deep hatred for.

At first when the woman had stepped out of the bathroom area, she'd kept her gaze down and then looked at him. It seemed like she was going to walk by but then she'd stopped and started to talk to him, like he cared what she had to say.

They said all the same things, liked how he fought. That his wounds looked bad or he was odd. Didn't really phase him, he'd been called and seen a lot of things. These weren't the worst wounds that he'd ever had. But the one on his side was hurting like a bitch and he was pretty sure that it was getting infected. Second he did break a rib, but it was healing and already back in place.

He was surprised that she stopped and just started tending to his wounds. Even if she was doing it so she didn't have to go back inside. No he didn't like what he did, and yes he'd love a new job, well that wasn't completely true. He didn't care what he did to the others. It was just bothersome when he wasn't feeling up to it.

She'd been nice, and gentle while wiping at the wounds even with the sting of the alcohol but he knew that he needed it if he wanted it to heal faster. When she asked if he could talk he just looked at her. Just what the fuck could he have to say to her? He didn't know her, nor cared to know her story, nor who she was.

Though she took it as he couldn't speak, well he could but he'd been told not to. He wasn't allowed to talk if Debutant didn't want him to. He wasn't allowed to move, until he was told he could, though a few movements he could do. He had to breathe right?

The woman had a nice figure, and she was shorter than him. A good amount of soft looking hair that he wanted to touch but couldn't really bring his arms up to do it. Plus she had pretty blue green eyes, he liked eye color. Something drew him for some reason suddenly. Why not, better than what he got to look at most days.

When she'd put that alcohol to his side that had burned like none other, and had he been able, he'd have attacked her. Simply because it hurt bad for a few seconds, but it passed and then she pressed the end of her skirt to it. Which was a kind gesture again, along with how she touched him. She might have been keeping from going back in, but there was genuine caring in her touch and voice. Something different.

Plus he liked her touch, the hand on his stomach was soft and stimulating. He wouldn't mind touching more of her, and why shouldn't he? Well he couldn't thanks to the order, otherwise he would have. Besides he was always rewarded in some way when he did well. He knew that Debutant was happy with his performance even with his remarks before. The stupid collar around his throat kept him in line and in check, he couldn't wait for it to be off.

"Try not to get stabbed again." Were her final words to him, along with a slight smile. People didn't smile at him, not if they knew. Not if they saw what he really was, what Debutant had made. It didn't bother him to be different, just that he couldn't always get what he wanted. His current interest was walking away toward the front area, he'd like to play with her. She'd been nice to him for a few minutes and for no other reason than she wanted to.

"Get in the car, we're leaving." Came Debutant's voice behind him suddenly. Debutant was shorter than him. Lucian stood at six two and him at five ten. But since he was his owner and controlled him he did what he was told. This was how it had always been for Lucian.

"You made me a good side bit of money tonight. Plus got me a few new recruits to milk money from." Lucian just sat in the front staring forward. He wasn't asked to speak so he didn't. Even when he could he didn't, his vocal chords were different than a normal human. He couldn't really speak more than just above a whisper.

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