Niall claustrophobic / louis

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A bit different but I hope you enjoy...

3rd person p.o.v
It was the boys' first day off in a long time, and so they had decided to spend it by taking a trip to the mall.
They all hoped in the car, liam was driving, niall in the passenger seat, and louis, zayn and harry all squashed into the back.

*skip car journey*

The boys arrived at the mall, feeling happy that they had finally gotten the break they needed.
"I'm starving..." niall complained, as all five made their way through the big glass doors.
"Niall you're always starving!" Louis joked, and everyone agreed.
"We could get something to eat I suppose, and then we can start shopping" liam suggested, and so the five lads headed over to a small cafe on the ground floor of the mall.

They all had some food and niall practically ate his body weight in junk food, but still seemed to be hungry after.
Once they had finished eating, the boys decided it was finally time to do what they had come

They looked in all the shops on the ground floor, and had already managed to rake up lots of filled shopping bags between them, however there was still more to explore.
"Ok lads, that's all the ground floor shops done, should we head up to the next level?" Zayn asked, earning a nod of approval from the other four.

Nialls p.o.v
We all headed to the sign that read 'stairs', despite the fact that there were multiple working elevators nearer to us. This was because i had a thing about elevators, and everyone knew this, they understood and respected how I felt, and so they didn't mind making the extra effort of using the stairs with me.
However when we got there, my heart dropped. The stairs were completely sectioned off with big red barriers saying 'no entry' and 'closed for maintenance'.

"Looks like we're taking the elevator" louis stated and began to walk away. My heart began to race and so i took a deep breath to steady my growing panic.
"But...lou..i.." I tried to persuade. It was no use, harry and zayn had already began following him. I looked pleasingly into liams eyes and he gave me a sympathetic smile.
"Come on mate, you'll be ok" he smiled.  And I reluctantly followed him to the rest of the lads as we waited for an elevator.

"Can't we just finish up?" I tried to negotiate. "Look, we've got loads of stuff" i gestured to the bags in everyone's hands.
"Come on nialler, we'll be fine, plus this is the perfect opportunity for you to overcome your fear!" Harry chirped, and the others nodded.
I sighed shakily, knowing i had no choice.
"It's just one elevator ride.." louis said "what's the worst that could happen?"...

"SHIT" lou shrieked, as the elevator made a loud banging noise and came to an instant holt, causing the five us to wobble and lose our balance.
I instantly knew what was happening, and before i knew it, i was doubled over panting, and gasping for breath.
"" i gasped. As I looked around, i could feel the walls of the elevator closing in on me, and my head was spinning like crazy, making me feel dizzy and nauseous.

"Hey're ok buddy" I heard a whirling voice from somewhere around me, that I couldn't make out. I looked in front of me to find liams blurry face, staring me hard in the eyes, and i could feel hands on my back, snaking around me and enclosing me.

Harry's p.o.v
Everyone's attention was glued on the shaking blonde, who was crouched down in the corner of the jammed elevator. It was like something from a hospital documentary, he was gasping and crying, trying to take a breath.
Liam was crouched down infront of him, a hand on his shoulder, trying desperately to get niall to calm down.

"He's claustrophobic lads" liam stated, "everyone get down low, it will make him feel less trapped". We all did as we were told, and sat down on the floor, spreading out to give niall some space.
"I..i...can't....b..breath.." niall gasped, and it pained me to watch him in such a state when I felt so helpless.

I looked over to louis who was speaking to reception through the emergency button.
"30 minutes??! That's not good enough!!" He screamed.
"Lou... shhh" liam whisper shouted, gesturing to niall who was panicking even more, from the loud noises.
Louis immediately lowered his voice to a whisper and continued his heated debate with the receptionists.
"I'm sorry, but we have an extremely claustrophobic person trapped here and he is practically dying!" He whispered through the speaker, before rolling his eyes at the response and then hanging up.

"30 minutes?" Zayn questioned, and louis shrugged his shoulders in response, letting out a sign.

Luckily now, liam had managed to calm niall to the point where he was managing to take deep controlled breaths in time with him.
However, he was still shaking rapidly and was as white as a sheet.
"" he managed to say, and we all looked at him helplessly.
"It won't be too long"liam comforted.
"'t..understand..." niall sat bolt upright. "" he cried, as his hand shot to his mouth.

Without warning, niall gagged loudly, and then expelled his stomach contents onto the floor of the elevator. He coughed and dry heaved for a few minutes, before catching his breath back and then falling back against the wall and putting his head in his hands.

My heart began to race, as i looked around at the shocked and paling faces.
"It's ok ni..." liam comforted. "You've just stressed yourself out too much".

I was ok. I could deal with small spaces, and I could deal with vomit. And apparently I could do both at the same time. However, louis on the other hand, was not so good in this situation. It was known to us all that louis couldn't cope with vomit. Let alone in an elevator that was fucking stuck.

Louis' p.o.v
"Shit..shit..shit" I muttered to myself as Harry shuffled over so that he was sitting next to me. He was looking into my eyes, desperately trying to distract me from the puddle of vomit in the middle of the elevator, and the growing stench of puke wafting up my nose.

"Haz.." I whined, feeling myself begin to sweat.
"It's fine lou...we'll be out soon" he reassured, but it was no use.
My eyes carelessly wondered over to the panicking, claustrophobic niall, and then over to the mess on the floor, and then i lost it.

I gagged uncontrollably, tears welling in the corners of my eyes.
"Shit" harry stated, instantly putting a hand on my back trembling back.
I shut my eyes, as a tear slipped down my cheek, and my mouth began to water.
I tried desperately to stop myself but i just couldn't. Puke flew out of my mouth, hitting the manky carpet with a splatter.
I shook my head and leaned back into Harry's arms.

"That's it lou..." he coxed. "You're all done".
We all waited in shock for a little while longer, before the elevator finally got moving, and the doors opened with a jolt.

All the workers were gathered around, as we made our way out shakily, zayn and harry carrying all the bags, and liams hands split between niall and me, rubbing our backs as we walked through the crowds of gawping people.
We got back in the car, and drove back in complete silence.

By the time we were home, me and niall were back to our normal exitable selves, and all five of us swore to NEVER take an elevator again.

Very short. I started it ages ago, but i just couldn't find the motivation to continue with it, so sorry if it feels a bit rushed and crappy. Tbh I actually enjoyed writing a shorter one and i might write more this length if you like? Let me know what you think :)

I have a few requests and don't worry I haven't forgotten about them! I will try to get round to them all this week so sorry for the wait. Lots of love.
thanks for reading <3

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