The cruise

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HEY GUYSS!! This is chapter two, I/we will try to update every Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Anyway, ENJOY CHAPTER TWO and make sure you comment and vote!

Grace, jess, Alita, Stef and Eliza xxx



It's the night before the cruise and we are all at graces house. Graces mum made us spaghetti bolognese for dinner "dinners ready!!!!" Monique (graces mum) screamed up the stairs. I could already smell the food as we ran down the stairs to find a table already set out for us.

Alita's POV

Mmmmm I smell the food from down stairs. Monique shouts to us "dinners ready!!!!" i quickly turn my phone off and follow jessica down the stairs to see grace setting the table and stef and Eliza sitting at her spot ready to eat the delicious food.

Eliza's POV

It was the night before we left and we were all in Grace's room tweeting how excited we were. "dinners ready!!!!" Monique shouted from the kitchen. Because I was hungry I shut the computer and ran down stairs with Stef and grace. Grace grabs plates and cutlery me and Stef got our drinks and sat at the table. Alita and Jessica was still up stairs texting some friends. As grace grabbed the food to put on the dinning table Alita and jess came running down the stairs.


I run ahead of everyone and scream "FOOD!!!" I get every one drinks and sit quickly down on my seat. When we had all finished, we thanked Monique and headed upstairs to start/finish (for some) packing.



*BEEP BEEP BEEP* went my alarm, then I realised. "HOLY ONE DIRECTION! IT'S TIME TO GO ON OUR CRUISE! GUYS WAKE UP NOW!" I screamed out. They all woke up really quickly and we all screamed so loud I think my late to went deaf. "Dibs first shower!" Said Stef , "second!" Said Jess, "third!" Eliza yelled, "FOURTH" Alita and I said at the same time. "Oh fine, ill have the last shower." I huffed, Alita was happy with that.

When we all were dressed and ready to go, we realised we needed to eat breakfast, "yep that might be a good idea," said Stef. "YOU ARE ALWAYS HUNGRY!" We all said loudly.

After breakfast we all headed to the boarding dock for the boat. We said our goodbyes to our families and off we went. The first thing we did was check out our rooms, we had two rooms. One with a king bed and one with a double and king bed, each room had a massive ensuite but only one had a spa in it. "I dibs the double bed!" I called and ran and jumped on it.

I ended up being in a room with Stef and jess while Alita and Eliza had the other room. We had rooms with balconies over looking the ocean, the view was beautiful. When we had finished unpacking our stuff we got into our bikinis and went up to the top floor to wave goodbye to everyone as we sailed off.

When we had all waved goodbye and were out of civilisation we jumped into the pool at the same time doing that "friendship jump" or whatever it is called. We stayed in the pool until it was dinner time. "Where should we go for dinner?" Asked Alita, "lets go to the waterfront, I heard the staff are really nice there and it's not too dressy." I replied and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

We all went back to our rooms, Eliza booked us a table at the waterfront while the rest of us got ready. I wore a short black skirt with a hot pink and black spotted top tucked in with my black heels, I straightened my hair and put on a little bit if makeup.


I can't believe we are here! I thought to myself, this is amazing! We were going to the waterfront for dinner on our first night so I wore a dress that is short at the front and long at the back, the top part was white then the skirt was a light purple with my cream ballet flats, I left my hair in its natural waves coz I think they look damn sexy.


"Hmm I wonder if there are going to be any cute boys on this ship?" I asked jess, "well you never know, there might be!" She said excitedly. We continued talking while I was doing my hair, it was in this side braid thing. I was wearing a short dress that was black with little bits of pink and yellow here and there, I wore my pink fluro heels. "I think I look pretty hot, don't you?" I said to jess in an English accent. She started cracking up laughing and replied mimicking my accent "oh yes definitely love."


I went down to find the waterfront restaurant to book is a table, why did I have to go? I thought to myself, oh well it'll be Alitas turn tomorrow for lunch.

When I got back from booking I started to get ready. I wore my black skinny jeans, a top that is white with a fluro orange LOVE in the middle of it and some fluro orange wedges. I straightened my hair and put a few bobby pins in to add some sparkle to my outfit, "hey grace, how do I look?" I asked her, for some reason she just appeared in my room. "You look gorgeous!" She said to me. "Right then lets go!" I said.


I wonder where the others have gotten to? I thought to myself, I was just sitting in my room that I share with jess and grace. I was wearing my aqua short shorts with a white frilly (but not too frilly) top, my hair was in its usual high ponytail but I added a ribbon into it to make it a little more special. I had just painted my toenails purple so I wore some black strappy sandals with a little wedge.

Suddenly everyone burst in through the door and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Oh my god! I totally forgot, today was my 18th birthday! I guess in all the hype of today I just forgot. "Thank you guys! You all look very hot by the way, can we eat now? I'm STARVING!" I said to them. "How can you eat so much and still be so skinny?!" Jess asked me, "I don't know. Lets ask my stomach." Just as I said that it grumbled "it says "HURRY UP CRAZY PEOPLE STEF NEEDS FOOD!" "


after dinner we all came back to Stef jess and I's room before we went to bed. "So, have u guys found any hot guys yet?" Alita asked, "of course you would ask that." Said Eliza, "I have!" I said a bit to loud, "ooooooo spill!" Said Jess. "Well, it's one of the waiters that served us before, I didn't catch his name coz he didn't have a name badge on but he spoke in an Irish accent and has blonde hair, I think he's adorable and hot at the same time!" I told them "ooooooo grace has a cru-ush" said Stef teasingly. "Oh shut up" I said to her a threw a pillow at her. "Okay guys, lets get to bed, we have an early morning tomorrow!" Said Eliza, "ok night guys!" Said jess. Everyone started saying good night and night and that stuff all at once so you could hardly hear who was saying it. When Alita and Eliza left for their rooms I got into my PJs and slipped in between my sheets.

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